Do you raise other breeds of ducks with your muscovy?

Crazy Maizie

Free Ranging
Jul 3, 2020
If so what kind?
How do they get along?

I know all about mules and I'm not breeding them, so not worried about that. Just thinking of getting some new ducks and contemplating different breeds. I only keep pet ducks.

I have several different breeds. Saxony, Welsh, swedish, runners, Cayuga, khaki, Pekin, and Muscovy. I found when I added Muscovy, they were first timid and picked on. After warming up, they made my other ducks realize they were not ducks to be picked on. They don't speak the same language, so it took a bit of time for everyone to understand each other. They get along pretty well now. The Muscovy are always more independent then my other ducks, but they will hangout with each other as well. My Muscovy are usually the ones who are the first ones to accept new comers in my flock. The only issue I had was with my Muscovy male, he picked on my other females to the point he became dinner. Depending on what you have now, that might be the only issue I can see is with a male Muscovy.
I have Muscovy, Runner and Buff. They all live happily together. EXcept when breeding season comes along. I have a Runner drake who likes to chase down the Muscovy and Muscovy when broody like to chase everyone around so right now the Runners Buffs are in one coop the muscovy in another and the geese are always put to bed in their very own coop. My chickens do sleep in the same coop as the Runners and Buffs. Still eveyone pretty much gets along.
Oh my gosh my one Muscovy will even go after our rooster and she means business. Tonight I saw my broody Muscovy grab hold of one of the chicken and ended up with a mouth full of feathers. They aren't normally like this. lol
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Huh. My Muscovy are not mean either when they are broody. They just make me feel like the biggest jerk when I take their eggs. They hang their head, go limp and cry. If they could actually cry tears, I swear they would to make me feel even worse. One recently sat on a nest in the morning and we took the eggs. Then she found more eggs from other ducks laid later in the day and sat on those. When we took the eggs again, she threw a temper tantrum and cussing us out. That was the worst I have seen.

On the other hand, my mallard breeds hiss, puff up and tell me off. No one attacks, but they are sure angry and let you know. The most agression is some nibbling on my finger, but nothing hard. Just lots of anger directed at you.
Must be something in the water here. Although my Muscovy don't react to me taking their eggs other than squeaking. They can sure take it out on everyone else. When the 2 that are broody come out of their coop you ought to see everyone take off. it's hilarious. My olderst Muscovy Ruth Ann[14] use to grab hold of my arm and pinch the daylights out of me when I'd take her eggs.

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