Do you leave seeds available at all times, or do you do timed feedings?

My chickens have access to pellet feed at all time. They get scratch (grains and seeds) once a day as a treatment, to get them into the run after free ranging more easily And to make sure they have a full crop when they start to roost.
My chickens have access to pellet feed at all time. They get scratch (grains and seeds) once a day as a treatment, to get them into the run after free ranging more easily And to make sure they have a full crop when they start to roost.
But should pigeons be fed differently than chickens?

This is in the "pigeons and doves" section, and the OP said "pigeons" in their post.
Hi, nothing but respect intended but I recall answering this question from you across several threads so far.

Again, I don’t mean this in a confrontational way, I’m just wondering if you are unsatisfied with our previous responses and if there is other information you are seeking on this topic we could help with. :)
I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to feed pigeons. There are pros and cons of both methods.
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Hi, nothing but respect intended but I recall answering this question from you across several threads so far.

Again, I don’t mean this in a confrontational way, I’m just wondering if you are unsatisfied with our previous responses and if there is other information you are seeking on this topic we could help with. :)
I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to feed pigeons. There are pros and cons of both methods.
How long can pigeons go without eating? I’m trying to tame my new pigeon by only feeding it with seeds from my hand. When will it become brave enough to peck at my hands?
How long can pigeons go without eating? I’m trying to tame my new pigeon by only feeding it with seeds from my hand. When will it become brave enough to peck at my hands?
How long can pigeons go without eating? I’m trying to tame my new pigeon by only feeding it with seeds from my hand. When will it become brave enough to peck at my hands?
I don't know about pigeons specifically, but I've dealt with some other animals that are timid or shy. Patience is very important-- it may take weeks or months to make a visible difference.

You might start by putting the food in a dish or on the floor. The pigeon will see you come and provide the food, but may not eat until you walk away. Over time, it will come to realize that it can eat while you are present. Later yet, it may be comfortable enough or impatient enough to come right up to you and eat from your hand.
I don't know about pigeons specifically, but I've dealt with some other animals that are timid or shy. Patience is very important-- it may take weeks or months to make a visible difference.

You might start by putting the food in a dish or on the floor. The pigeon will see you come and provide the food, but may not eat until you walk away. Over time, it will come to realize that it can eat while you are present. Later yet, it may be comfortable enough or impatient enough to come right up to you and eat from your hand.
But will a pigeon starve itself to death?
🕰️Welllll...:frow:love:frow:yesss::thumbsup:goodpost::jumpy:jumpyI switched to making my own Organic Fermented Feed, and I feed my ducks, turkeys, chickens, roosters, all in the morning with the EXACT amount they need, otherwise it could go moldy (because of the fermentation process) or get smelly and attract bugs. But the chickens don't care! So neither do I! :loveThey love it. It's also because if I left out the food all the time, it wouldn't gravitate like the bell feedersI have used to, so it would probably turn into a leaky faucet type situation! LOL Anyways this is just for my fermented food, before when I have Organic grain, peas, corn & such I used the feeders & pilled them to the VERY top! They seem to be fine either way, as long as it's constraint, and early in the morning ( or twice a day) ( also I like feeding my ducks by hand sometimes :D
But will a pigeon starve itself to death?
When I got the pigeon, she just was keeping to herself, and then eventually she would eat out of my hands, she was sort-of wild but not really. She just was like "who are you??". I recommend putting it in a dish at first, then with the dish getting filled, and she sees you giving her food, she knew what was happening. then she started drinking water from my cup, and letting me hold her, and landing on my shoulder and stuff! Patience IS KEY, and respect.

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