do you have an easy way to cut quilt scraps


12 Years
I love sewing the pieces together, and quilting but I HATE TO CUT THEM, does any one have an easy way to do this, or do I Continue to measure and cut

Some books out there offer up ways to cut your cutting time down... but I do all of mine one at a time for fear of mucking it up otherwise
I use a rotary cutter on a cutting board.....

..................or I buy already cut squares from eBay
I use a rotary cutter and cut multiple layers at a time. It's more exact then scissors and it's faster. Make sure you use a nice sharp blade on the cutter and be really careful using it.
If you're using a pencil and scissors now, try a rotary cutter on a mat. They are so fantastic!

If you're already using a rotary cutter and still hate cutting fabric, let us know. I've got some other ideas for you.
ok here is a wonderful tip..

I love to quilt dont have much time.

if you want to do a simple 9 patch... and lots of them..

use a rotary cutter..

here is the trick.. if you want 2 inch squares.. cut strips 2.5 inches by the width of the fabric.. (1/4 inch seams)

lets just use black and white for the colors...

you would then sew your strips together .... first batch would be

black white black your second batch would be white black white your third batch black white black you would then end up three sets of long strips of black and white... you would need a ratio of two to one...

then you would cut your 3 color strips in 2.5 inches each cut will produce a 3 block combination.. after cutting all your long strips into 3 block combos.. you would then take your combos and stack them like so..

black white black
white black white
black white black

sew these togeter and you wouldnt have had to cut one 2.5 by 2.5 square.. and it is much easier with piecing.
I do this sometimes and just cut lots of strips from lots of different fabic and throw them in a bag. When I am done cutting the different fabric into strips I will mix them up really good and then grab two strips and sew them together and then grab another and sew that one together. I make all the strips into sets of 3 then wack and throw them in a bag mix them around and do those into sets of 3 and then put those sets in a bag mix them up and grab and sew the top together. Makes for a really fun and crazy quilt. The only rule I use is that you have to use the piece you grab no matter what even if you don't think it will look good where it is.

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