Do you dye your hair?...


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
If so, what color? And what is your natural hair color?

I'm just curious really.

I've been dying mine red for about five years now. I just love the way red hair looks! I haven't found one color that I absolutely LOVE yet, as red is a very tricky color. Even if I use the same shade several times in a row, it comes out different EVERY time! It also has a tendency to fade super fast!

I'm interested to hear what ya'll have to say! Pictures are welcome too!

ETA: My natural hair color is a dark brown. It's ok, but I love experimenting with new colors!
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I'm a brunette, a striped brunette,,, I tried dying my hair once and came out looking like a leopard that had been attacked by a paint ball gun. I've thought about trying it again but I'm a coward. However all the gray hair is getting me down,, I'm 45 not 55 darn it!
I dye my brown hair which is naturally getting grayer and grayer. I use Perfect 10 by Loreal. 10 minutes and not so bad smelling. I like it because it doesn't dye my hair all one color of brown...looks more natural. I have dark brown hair, or I used to, but dark brown dye comes out too harsh and black looking so I use medium brown, warm or golden, not ash (that turns it green which is only acceptable on St. Patrick's day)
Oops....I mean Clairol.
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I did highlights for the first time this past spring.

In the past I grew my hair out for Locks of Love. Good excuss not to do anything with it and the hair went to a great cause.

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