Do roosters have a "favorite" hen?

Yeah the one with no feathers on her back
(sorry just read the heading)

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I have several roosters, and most of them have favorites. They mount any hen or pullet, but they roam with and roost next to their favorites.

My dominant roo, Carl, absolutely adores his favorite, Rebecca. SHE can actually refuse his wing dance and he'll just go mount another hen. She has obviously allowed mating, because my first grandchick was hatched from one of her eggs - Buffy the Vampire Slaying Buff Orpington hatched Rebecca's egg. Rebecca herself has never gone broody, but her eggs are fertile. She grooms his beard for him, she's always next to him on the roost at night. The other ladies tussle over the spot on the roost on his other side, but nobody asks Rebecca to move.

I've got a Mille Fluer D'Uccle pair, Albert and Fiona, and they're just now coming into sexual maturity. He watches out for her and they roost together.

Rhoda, my RIR hen, is obviously every roosters's favorite hussy, poor girl. She doesn't have senior hen rights, but all the boys find her an easy mount. Buffy, Brenda, Molly and a couple others get a lot of action, too.... With 8 mature roosters and 3 adolescent boys starting to terrorize the hens, it's a good thing I have so many chickens in my flock!

Affection between chickens is really interesting to observe.
I think so becuase i have a legbar rooster and he like my brahma hen called pretty. they stay with each other most of the time and always eat together and likes mating with her:rolleyes:

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