Do roosters cluck?


10 Years
Jul 30, 2009
Charlotte, NC Area
Some of my chickens are starting to cluck at around 9 weeks of age. Soo cute! I got to wondering... do roosters cluck? If they're clucking does that mean hens? They're silkies... Thanks!
Yes roo's can cluck. They make all kinds of sounds . They have a come and get it cluck when they call their ladies to eat. An oh, this is good sound. Warnings of all kinds too. I love to listen to them. Gloria Jean
My rooster Zebbie clucks and coos to his girls all the time. He makes many weird noises
Yes the do cluck! And me and my parents had to merge our flocks do to me living in city limits and the city not allowing me to build a permanent coop and run with winter coming on. My parents roo has 7 hens, and my roo has 11 hens, when we put them together today of course the fought a little, but I kept a close eye to make sure it didn't get out of hand (you gotta let them figure it out themselves) but after they stopped, both ran to their girls and started herding them up cluckin' like crazy! But things are more mellow now!
Thanks for all the replies! So, the clucking means just that they're finally clucking.
I'm pretty excited about it too--looking forward to a yard full of clucking soon!
Some birds of both sexes are VERY vocal......I have 4 hens and 4 roosters who almost never shut up. The males make different noises from the females, though. As well as the obvious crowing, they make loud startle noises, presumably as a way to warn the flock. Then they have a whole language that they use in trying to chat up the girls.....including a lot of clucking when they are offering bits of whatever to the girls.

The hens tend to make a lot of monotonous sounds, and the characteristic 'clucking' noises that they use with chicks.

Both sexes sing the 'egg song' when a hen lays, they are startled......or even for no apparent cause at times.

Chickens are VOCAL!
Crowing occurs long before the clucking sound. Harem leaders (mature roosters) only make clucking sound. The "tid bitting" call sounds similar and is made by both sexes even as juveniles. It calls flcokmates to a particularly good food source.

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