Do Ducks Want to/Have to Sleep in a Coop?

Wow, gofasterstripe, that is a neat duck house! i would love to have chicken and duck houses i don't have to squat to get in.

So here is the playhouse our friend put together today. i was going to buy a stall mat for the floor, but they were big and pricey. Found some cheaper foam connect together flooring at Lowes. i think it will be okay. This playhouse is like the Lowes playhouse, but a little better quality. Got it at ToysRUs. After i took this picture i stapled hardware cloth over all the openings and put down shavings. Our ducks are terrified and won't go in.


At the back of the house is a neat little opening with a ledge. i suppose kids could lean through this and hand treats back and forth. i covered it in hardware cloth and then plastic sheeting for now. Will be nice ventilation in the summer with just the hardware cloth.


We put the kennel panels up around it and i plan on installing the hardware cloth all the way around and over the top tomorrow so they can sleep outside if they want. For tonight they need to all go inside where it's safe.
Yes its nice not to have to squat to get eggs or t clean out. It looks rough from the outside but its 4 walls and a roof that dont leak and a good door that I padlock to keep everything out. 3 windows have been blocked off and the 1 window by the door had 3 layers of hard wire so
I will never have anything get in that could kill them.

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