Do baby chicks sleep with their heads on the floor?

This thread has totally helped with my worries-brought home my first batch of chicks and they ALL flop down and sleep like this-was worried i was doing something terribly wrong! Thanks everyone!!
This thread has totally helped with my worries-brought home my first batch of chicks and they ALL flop down and sleep like this-was worried i was doing something terribly wrong! Thanks everyone!!
You're welcome! If you ever have any problems with the little girls, just send me a private message if you wish!
I started THIS THREAD for a similar purpose - to help make sure people don't get too worried!

And because who can ignore a thread with cute pictures of baby chicks?!?
This thread has totally helped with my worries-brought home my first batch of chicks and they ALL flop down and sleep like this-was worried i was doing something terribly wrong! Thanks everyone!!

Don't freak out when they start their flapping around dust bathing. Or my favorite, the sun bathing. Laying on side with one wing and leg stretched out looking all dead.
I saw some in the feed store that layed flat out and didn't move when others walked all over it. I thought for sure it was dying. Then all of a sudden it got up and ran off like nothing was wrong. Too funny.
My house chicken Serenity is an adult and she still sleeps like that sometimes. If I take a nap on the couch, she'll come snuggle and sleep on my chest or right next to me, and she ALWAYS sleeps straight out. Once you get used to them doing it, it's super cute. :)
Hino, the sun bathing actually scared me. They never did that as chicks and so when I saw one stretched out on the side I thought she was dead for sure.

I still think they might be dead when they dig holes in the yard with their dust bathing and I walk out to see just the top part of an unmoving lump of feathers.
Whew, just bought some chicks today from the feed store...They were ok, then on the way home, they acted really sluggish and like they were going to pass away....Very

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