Dividing an 8' x 12' coop?


15 Years
Still in the planning phase, but looking to divide an 8' x 12' coop into two coop sections. We will either be putting up 6' side walls to a peaked roof, or making a slant roof coop with one side probably being 8' and the other side maybe 6'. Thinking that if we do the slant roof, that I would run chicken wire to the ceiling in the middle to divide. Not really sure how I would do it in a 6 foot side wall coop-maybe just up 6' and hope they don't fly over. Originally started thinking about 8' walls all around but am a bit intimidated by that high of a side walled coop. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I am having trouble visualizing what you are describing.

However, the thoughts that I do have:

If you do not have the wire all of the way to the ceiling, unless you have some non-flighted chickens (super heavy ones, or silkies etc.) they will try to get up there, and maybe roost on the tiny thin wire and freeze their toes off (literally).

I like height in my coop, because then I can fit two poop trays in there.... So the floor, add in bedding height (deep litter method can easily add a full foot) then two and a half to three feet of height, then poop try number one, two feet, poop tray number two, two feet, then ceiling.

Higher than that and you just can't reach a poop tray to clean it. However, I have tossed up a higher perch, no poop tray, when my coop was a bit over crowded. :rolleyes:

Other thoughts.... If you ever go on vacation.. It is best if everything can be taken care of with minimal opening and closing of doors.

However, you could make a fancy feeder in the two runs, that is filled from outside the run.... Water can just be a pan in the run filled with a hose from outside the run. But then outside access nest boxes would be best.

(Fantasy world... I don't have those things, and I do travel, but I have very understanding people that take care of my complicated poultry set-up)
Most building materials come in 4’ or 8’ sections if you are buying new. Eight foot side walls may not be all that intimidating if you can avoid a lot of cutting and waste. Something to think about.

A single slant roof is by far the easiest to build. I strongly suggest whichever way you build it that your provide overhang so you can leave the top of those walls open (opening covered with hardware cloth against predators) for ventilation.

I don’t know how you plan to frame that internal wall or what doors you will put in it, but chicken wire is good to keep chickens separated. You can cut chicken wire easily with tin snips or wire cutters. It’s really not hard to shape chicken wire or cut it at a slant, you just have to do some measuring. From your signature I see you have bantams. I’d close that off completely. Once you get into it you’ll see it’s not that hard.
I use hardware cloth rather than chicken wire for everything. Bantam chicks climb right through chicken wire, and extra security is always better anyway. Eight foot walls are great, and a slant roof to seven feet, or six feet, will make everything much better for you! Mary
I used chicken wire for a removable wall to split my coop space, it has a flat 'ceiling' so angle at top of wall wasn't an issue-but shouldn't be hard to work out.
But I did end up putting a 1/4 plywood and hardware cloth section at the bottom of the wall to stop fighting thru the wall between inhabitants.

You can kinda see the wall here chicken wire attached to 2x2's which are held by a couple screws each to the coop framing.
When coop was brand new and before lower section was added.

Added wall section, also held by a couple screws on each side.
With sliding chick doors for integration that haven't been tested yet.

Chicks on right, older birds on left, separated by wall.

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