Disregarding Local Chicken Laws

The gov't (even many local ones) have gotten to the point of micromanaging way too many things. The big question is: What would our founding fathers think about chicken laws? Even if they added an ammendment to the Bill of Rights protecting people's right to own chickens wherever and whenever they pleased our government would still ignore it to control the people. Something's wrong when the population is dependent on the flow of food to the grocery store. He who controls the food supply controls the population. The gov't can get the heck out of my backyard! The answer to 1984 is 1776!
Exactly. There is a much-too-large segment of our society who wishes to ban or otherwise control that which they don't personally agree with. This is where an awful lot of these silly ordinances and even major laws arise from. Bothersome busybodies annoy me no end. In my ridiculous town, you're supposed to have your dog on a leash when he's in your FENCED yard!
"The greatest threat to America's security is BackYard Chickens. We will stomp out this scourge with the full force of the federal government and partnerships with local law enforcement- then we'll finish off veterans and other freedom loving cretins." -Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Director
Watch out, DHS is gonna come get ya'll. How dare you disobey your betters?!!?

Anyone notice the exact same people preaching 'Think Globally, Act Locally' are the same people making up all the laws and regs that prevent such behavior. None of them are actually interested in that, just sounds great in a sound-byte come election time-- actions speak otherwise. Not Independence, today its all about Dependence. No Ameri'Cans allowed. Only Ameri'Can'ts, Ameri'Won'ts and Ameri'Gimmies need apply.

When everything is illegal, we will all be criminals- and subject to the whims of power crazed civil servants with lil badges. There's a reason new laws are so vague and confusing: so that they can be used to fit no matter what at the pleasure of the Enforcer.
So I just discovered my home is 2 street in one direction and 1 in another from another very small town within a much larger town. This smaller town has much more lenient laws on chickens and animals in general. Does anyone have any experience getting their property repositioned as far as boundary lines go? Basic on my street chickens are illegal but 2 or 1 streets away depending on which way you go they are legal.
Exactly. There is a much-too-large segment of our society who wishes to ban or otherwise control that which they don't personally agree with. This is where an awful lot of these silly ordinances and even major laws arise from. Bothersome busybodies annoy me no end. In my ridiculous town, you're supposed to have your dog on a leash when he's in your FENCED yard!

Couldn't agree more. We just initiated a purchase of acreage in an area that is secluded and miles away from any ridiculous local ordinances or HOA's. I have to ford 3 creeks on the county road I use to get to it. I can't wait to close the deal and start hanging out there. What a true feeling of freedom it will be.
I too have chickens against our local laws in lafayette indiana.
i was under the assumption from bad information that we were alowed to have some as pets.
we had 7 until yesterday morning when upon returning from a weekend camping trip we found feathers from a 2 chicken massacre! i think either racoon or hawk but not sure how they got 2 at the same time!!!
anyhow now were down to 5 but the nice thing is almost all of my neighbors know and have no problem at all with it so were just lucky in that regard!
were planning on buying a house in the country where we will expand our herd to inlcude goats and probably a pig so for now were just going to have to dodge the man i guess!!!
we bought our chickens from the local feed and hardware store and we were so lucky to wind up with all hens and 1 rooster! what are the odds of that? lol

I truly cant wait to get out away from town and begin our dream of becoming as self sufficient and self sustaining as possible!
the current govt. is nothing shy of truly frightening and will only get worse! i wish i had the time to add links and share some of what i happen to know but for now ill leave that to another post!
when you have an african born president with a faked birth certificate from hawaii and he's still in office you know your in for a long rough ride!!
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our town counsel just voted on this matter and newspaper headlines read TOWN BANNED CHICKENS AS PETS. it makes me absolutely SICK that in some towns they legally let people grow pot for "medical use" yet I'm a criminal for having chickens! what had our world come too? I'm sorry but I think this is the most ridicules law. birds are much quieter than barking dogs and have less waist. do you know what reason they gave for banning or keeping ban in place? they said chickens will hurt our already worst in the nation Air Quality. if that isn't the biggest bunch of bull**** I've ever heard! come on... really they couldn't come up with a better reason. bottom line they are plain ignorant about chickens and are afraid somehow its going to drop there precious property values. there was a package of facts presented to the counsel about chickens but the ****** did NOT even bother them self's to even read it and weigh the facts. seriously they didn't even read the package! they just voted NO because that's what they wanted... it makes me very sad...I know how you all feel. I feel the same. its extremely frustrating!! and there is nothing I can do.I've looked online for other advocates in my town but I can't find any. I know they are out there but likely they are laying low in fear. its very sad!
We purposely bought our house out in the county where chickens, cows, and corn fields are everywhere. What I realized is that even though our local gov't doesn't care, sometimes neighbors have misconceptions about chickens. We only have 3 other houses on our street, and I call one of the neighbors the "suburban housewife". God only knows why she decided to live in rural KY when she belongs in a subdivision. One day our other neighbor was target practicing out his back door, and you could hear her scream from fright, and another time my husband shot a possum, so she sent her husband over to have a talk with him. It was absolutely hillarious the day her dog caught a mole. LOL. I have my chickens near my bedroom window, and my house is so insulated that I can't even hear the roosters crowing in the morning. Her house sits about an acre and a half away from my chickens with our giant deck blocking her view of them. We did that on purpose so her dogs wouldn't bark all day at our chickens. It didn't matter cause her yappy dogs bark all day at me and my kids anyway. I was being nice and neighborly a while back asking her if she'd like some fresh eggs in a couple of months when they all start laying, and her response was just weird. She said something about her freaking out if she saw a baby chick inside one. I then told her that I'd give her the eggs from hens that don't have any roosters with them. I think she got confused thinking I wasn't going to have any roosters at all, because she was so happy they wouldn't wake her up at 5am. There is no way she could possibly hear them inside her house considerring how far away it is. I have roos that have been crowing for a few weeks now, and she hasn't said anything, YET. Oh ya, she actually refers to my chickens as "livestock". My other two neighbors are so excited about free eggs, but not her. She thinks they're "yucky" if they don't come from the store. At first, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, because I've always lived in cities and subdivisions and understand it's a different way of life, but then I started realizing that she's just stuck up. Unfortunately, because she's usually on her back deck in the evenings, anytime I go outside (or my windows are open), I can hear her loud yappy dogs cause they're just as skittish as she is, and I can hear her loud mouth arguing with her husband or talking on the phone, not to mention when they've been drinking. I'm not kidding, for a house without children it gets pretty loud over there. So... what's the problem with a rooster? It's just weird that some people think airing your dirty marital laundry, loud drinking, and dogs barking at every little thing are normal, but my chickens are not. Well, she's not getting any of my eggs now!
We purposely bought our house out in the county where chickens, cows, and corn fields are everywhere. What I realized is that even though our local gov't doesn't care, sometimes neighbors have misconceptions about chickens. We only have 3 other houses on our street, and I call one of the neighbors the "suburban housewife". God only knows why she decided to live in rural KY when she belongs in a subdivision. One day our other neighbor was target practicing out his back door, and you could hear her scream from fright, and another time my husband shot a possum, so she sent her husband over to have a talk with him. It was absolutely hillarious the day her dog caught a mole. LOL. I have my chickens near my bedroom window, and my house is so insulated that I can't even hear the roosters crowing in the morning. Her house sits about an acre and a half away from my chickens with our giant deck blocking her view of them. We did that on purpose so her dogs wouldn't bark all day at our chickens. It didn't matter cause her yappy dogs bark all day at me and my kids anyway. I was being nice and neighborly a while back asking her if she'd like some fresh eggs in a couple of months when they all start laying, and her response was just weird. She said something about her freaking out if she saw a baby chick inside one. I then told her that I'd give her the eggs from hens that don't have any roosters with them. I think she got confused thinking I wasn't going to have any roosters at all, because she was so happy they wouldn't wake her up at 5am. There is no way she could possibly hear them inside her house considerring how far away it is. I have roos that have been crowing for a few weeks now, and she hasn't said anything, YET. Oh ya, she actually refers to my chickens as "livestock". My other two neighbors are so excited about free eggs, but not her. She thinks they're "yucky" if they don't come from the store. At first, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, because I've always lived in cities and subdivisions and understand it's a different way of life, but then I started realizing that she's just stuck up. Unfortunately, because she's usually on her back deck in the evenings, anytime I go outside (or my windows are open), I can hear her loud yappy dogs cause they're just as skittish as she is, and I can hear her loud mouth arguing with her husband or talking on the phone, not to mention when they've been drinking. I'm not kidding, for a house without children it gets pretty loud over there. So... what's the problem with a rooster? It's just weird that some people think airing your dirty marital laundry, loud drinking, and dogs barking at every little thing are normal, but my chickens are not. Well, she's not getting any of my eggs now!
Sounds like you didn't quite move out far enough. Good luck with that unfreindly neighbor.

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