Dire Emergency with last 2 eggs in incubator

Jun 14, 2019
I have just done the most stupid thing. We have successfully hatched bantams well over a week ago and had two other eggs in the incubator which were added 3 days in to replace the non fertile eggs I removed at day 5. When they were overdue I candled for internal pip and there was nothing, nor movement or sound so I left it a day and then wet candled. An additional factor was that we had a power cut overnight and woke up to stone cold eggs around 4 days ago so I wasn’t hoping for much and last night meant to turn the incubator off and discard the eggs. I’ve just gone to do this now and decided to do an eggtopsy. Having merrily cracked open the first egg I’ve just discovered a life chick in there! I feel awful so quickly put the other egg back and have attempted to return the cracked egg. I had torn a little of the membrane so I’ve covered that tiny section with cling film. There is otherwise a gaping hole in the top of the egg (air cell end). What the heck do I do. Blood loss minimal but fluid leakage and the chick had NOT pipped at all. Bizarre as these are massively overdue. What do I do? Help please if there’s any chance of saving this chick!!
I think the chick should be fine. Sounds like your temperature was too low during incubation and of course losing power overnight would also slow development.
It sounds like the eggs were only a couple days overdue.

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