Dinosaur Egg OMG!

:oldDiet.. your feed has a lot of effects on egg production. Yrs ago, we would change brands of conventional grain if there was a sale/coupon/grand opening specials etc. In the long run it hurt us by crippling our production numbers with a lapse of high yields.
So nowadays, we stick with one brand, buy in volume (pallet pricing) and our ladies don't protest the dreaded Feed Change system shock.
BUT, for the last long while supplemental feeding along w/conventional grains.
This is a pic of a typical bucket headed to the egg production house.
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Every other day we add alfalfa to the pellet grain. It helps give a robust orange color to the yokes. Some of customers are long time returning because of that fact.
ALSO, we feed Spent Barley Grains. My Hub's buddies own a Brewery and when we share our farm raised Pork with them, the phone keeps ringing.. "Come and get it".. (no charge)
Lately, we have been bombarded with S.B.G., You can't store it that long before it sours. Tons feed of Swine stock, super fresh goes to our Goat herd and our heavy chicken population gets the balance. It has been a very big balance the last 30 days.
Sometimes 12 cans a week. Helps keep feed cost low for the Piggy Population. But only SUPPLEMENTAL feed for the poultry.
Along with the conventional grain and S.B.G., we offer ground oyster shell in several locations for free choice feeding.
Our Eggs are super JUMBO and plentiful. They sell fast. Here is a Used egg carton printed Jumbo from the factory.. The lid won't close.
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Where is this leading? I'm just showing the Nutritional Feeding Program we have implemented.

:he Now something has changed, drastically. Factors have been introduced.
  1. Too much Barley grain introduced in a short period of time. We had to dump 2 barrels of grain into the big run because we needed the drums for fresh grain that afternoon. Possible that 100 gals of barley went into the run for 90 something birds. Feeding frenzy.
  2. We NEVER BUY OR FEED WHOLE CORN. I broadcast a small amount of cracked corn during the winter months. BUT, a few days ago Rural King had a very damaged bag of Whole Corn priced for $2. So I impulse bought it. That evening, DD was babysitting our dear sweet Grandson and the little angel broadcasted almost half of the 50# bag in the run. OMG. He loves feeding the birds.. They got over carb-ed big time.
  3. Who wants to guess who thru all my Alfalfa in the run as well? WAY TOO MUCH TOO FAST.
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So that is what they ate prior to the Dinosaur Fossil Egg. My guess is they gorged themselves with high nutrients in a Piranha Fish Feeding Fashion.

I'll be right back with the broken open egg. Pics still in the camera. Kinda cool..:cool:

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