Did my rooster die of heart failure?


9 Years
Jul 27, 2014
My 2 year old Sussex rooster, Nole, died last night. He seemed off all day, only crowed once and sounded strange; he ate and drank well but kept laying down, and had watery poop. When I went to check on him at lock up, he was in a nest box. I checked him over and everything seemed okay. I placed him on a perch to which he became off balanced and fell back into my arms. His head dropped forward and he started flapping his wings. The flock started to freak out, so I rushed him out of the coop. He was dead in seconds.

About 2 months ago he and the smaller rooster, Luigi, had a big fight, which ended with Nole laying on the ground flapping his wings and twisting his head strangely. I thought Luigi had broken his neck. I picked Nole up and he snapped out of it. He's been fine since, though he lost his dominance and became the secondary rooster.

I did a necropsy and he had a lot of fat around his heart, and well, lots of fat everywhere. His heart might've been slightly enlarged? I've never done a necropsy on such a big chicken so it might've been an appropriate size for him. Everything else seemed normal.

Should I be concerned about something infectious? Everybody else seems fine, but so did he yesterday.

I'm so sorry for your loss! :hugs Did you take any photos of the necropsy? I'm afraid I wouldn't be much help there but there are members here who could tell you a lot from some photos. Sorry I'm no help but hopefully someone who knows will see this and comment.

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