Did I Cause These People to Get Fired? - Poor Customer Service



Crossing the Road
5 Years
Mar 29, 2019
Northern Minnesota
My Coop
My Coop
I go out of my way to look for things to compliment people on at their workplace. If I get some good customer service, I will thank them, by name and tell them I appreciate their support. I have even asked to talk to a store manager in some cases where an employee really stood out in customer support. One time, a young mechanic actually received a $$$ bonus at our local Fleet store because I reported some outstanding service he provided to me.

Lately, however, I had some interactions with employees that were not very good, at all. I complained to management about the poor service by that employee and have seen neither one of those employees at the stores in the past 6+ weeks. I don't know if my complaint caused them to get fired (I hope not), or if the employee was on their way out anyway and I just got a dose of negativity from them that day. Both employees had been working at their stores for years, and it is unusual for me to shop there and not see them.

First case: Fleet store. One weekend, I needed to get some old paint purchased last year shook up so I could paint the chicken coop. The lady at the counter refused to shake up my paint cans because she said they had an explosion of paint on a previously opened can and it really made a mess. This made no sense to me because if you have the paint tinted, they have to open up the can, add the tint, then shake it up. So then this lady asks me if I wanted to clean up the mess if the can explodes in the paint shaker. I told her no, that I am not allowed to use their equipment, but their equipment should have built in protection to keep the lid on. Then she tells me it was store policy not to shake up previously used cans of paint. To which I asked her, when in the last 30 years did that policy change? Her response was to tell me that she refused to shake the cans and walked away from me to the back room employee only section.

I went to the customer service desk and asked to talk to a floor manager. A manager came, listened to my side of the story, and went back to the paint counter with me and she got the paint cans shook up for me. That employee that was supposed to be there had not returned. Anyways, I thanked the manager and left the store.

A couple days later, I was back at the store and asked to talk to the store manager. I said I wanted to compliment the floor manager for helping me with the paint situation. I asked why the employee had refused to help me and walked away from me in the process. He informed me that there had been no change in policy in shaking the used paint cans, they would still do that. Additionally, he stated that there had been a real mess with a paint can lid coming off the paint can, but it was a brand new paint can, and the employee had failed to use the equipment properly.

Bottom line, I have not seen that employee at the store in the last 8 weeks, since I made my complaint.

Second case: Home Depot. I was at the customer service desk purchasing a few items. The store internet was not working properly, and I could not access the military discount QR code on my smart phone. After a few minutes of trying, I showed her my military id card and asked her if she could enter the discount on machine. She told me she could not. I found that very strange. So, I held up the line as I continued to fumble with my smart phone and their internet was not working. I refused to step aside until my transaction was completed. After about 20 minutes, the line behind me had grown as far as into the paint department. I did not care at that point. I would have stayed there another half hour just to make it as painful for Home Depot as they were making it for me. Finally, after seeing people upset that had to wait in line for this situation, she she pressed a few keys on her till and my military discount was magically added to the transaction! Took her less than 20 seconds. So I took my stuff and left the store.

Somewhere, on the way to the car, I got even more upset about the transaction. So I went back into the store and asked some guys at the "Pro Desk" to call a manager because I had a complaint about the customer service desk. I told the store manager what had just happened to me, and that I did not understand why she had insisted I must use the Home Depot app to get my military discount when their in-store internet was not working, I clearly was trying to access my account on my smartphone, but she waited for about 20 minutes before entering the magic code herself that took her only a few seconds. The manager said that was unacceptable, that he would look into the situation, and thanked me for taking the time to talk to him.

I was in the store a week later, and had my military discount QR code on my smartphone, but the self-checkout machine was not reading it properly. I called over one of the employees for help, and believe it or not, he now had a military id QR code badge attached to his employee vest, scanned his badge, my military discount was applied, and I was out the door in no time! What a change! I like to think my complaint had something to do with their new procedure.

Anyways, I have not seen that first lady at the customer service back there in over 6 weeks. I am thinking she might have moved on, or been forced to move on as well.

Thanks for letting me get some things off my mind. I don't want to get people fired, that's not my goal, but I think sometimes a well-argued complaint can be used to help a store improve their service to customers.
I go out of my way to look for things to compliment people on at their workplace. If I get some good customer service, I will thank them, by name and tell them I appreciate their support. I have even asked to talk to a store manager in some cases where an employee really stood out in customer support. One time, a young mechanic actually received a $$$ bonus at our local Fleet store because I reported some outstanding service he provided to me.

Lately, however, I had some interactions with employees that were not very good, at all. I complained to management about the poor service by that employee and have seen neither one of those employees at the stores in the past 6+ weeks. I don't know if my complaint caused them to get fired (I hope not), or if the employee was on their way out anyway and I just got a dose of negativity from them that day. Both employees had been working at their stores for years, and it is unusual for me to shop there and not see them.

First case: Fleet store. One weekend, I needed to get some old paint purchased last year shook up so I could paint the chicken coop. The lady at the counter refused to shake up my paint cans because she said they had an explosion of paint on a previously opened can and it really made a mess. This made no sense to me because if you have the paint tinted, they have to open up the can, add the tint, then shake it up. So then this lady asks me if I wanted to clean up the mess if the can explodes in the paint shaker. I told her no, that I am not allowed to use their equipment, but their equipment should have built in protection to keep the lid on. Then she tells me it was store policy not to shake up previously used cans of paint. To which I asked her, when in the last 30 years did that policy change? Her response was to tell me that she refused to shake the cans and walked away from me to the back room employee only section.

I went to the customer service desk and asked to talk to a floor manager. A manager came, listened to my side of the story, and went back to the paint counter with me and she got the paint cans shook up for me. That employee that was supposed to be there had not returned. Anyways, I thanked the manager and left the store.

A couple days later, I was back at the store and asked to talk to the store manager. I said I wanted to compliment the floor manager for helping me with the paint situation. I asked why the employee had refused to help me and walked away from me in the process. He informed me that there had been no change in policy in shaking the used paint cans, they would still do that. Additionally, he stated that there had been a real mess with a paint can lid coming off the paint can, but it was a brand new paint can, and the employee had failed to use the equipment properly.

Bottom line, I have not seen that employee at the store in the last 8 weeks, since I made my complaint.

Second case: Home Depot. I was at the customer service desk purchasing a few items. The store internet was not working properly, and I could not access the military discount QR code on my smart phone. After a few minutes of trying, I showed her my military id card and asked her if she could enter the discount on machine. She told me she could not. I found that very strange. So, I held up the line as I continued to fumble with my smart phone and their internet was not working. I refused to step aside until my transaction was completed. After about 20 minutes, the line behind me had grown as far as into the paint department. I did not care at that point. I would have stayed there another half hour just to make it as painful for Home Depot as they were making it for me. Finally, after seeing people upset that had to wait in line for this situation, she she pressed a few keys on her till and my military discount was magically added to the transaction! Took her less than 20 seconds. So I took my stuff and left the store.

Somewhere, on the way to the car, I got even more upset about the transaction. So I went back into the store and asked some guys at the "Pro Desk" to call a manager because I had a complaint about the customer service desk. I told the store manager what had just happened to me, and that I did not understand why she had insisted I must use the Home Depot app to get my military discount when their in-store internet was not working, I clearly was trying to access my account on my smartphone, but she waited for about 20 minutes before entering the magic code herself that took her only a few seconds. The manager said that was unacceptable, that he would look into the situation, and thanked me for taking the time to talk to him.

I was in the store a week later, and had my military discount QR code on my smartphone, but the self-checkout machine was not reading it properly. I called over one of the employees for help, and believe it or not, he now had a military id QR code badge attached to his employee vest, scanned his badge, my military discount was applied, and I was out the door in no time! What a change! I like to think my complaint had something to do with their new procedure.

Anyways, I have not seen that first lady at the customer service back there in over 6 weeks. I am thinking she might have moved on, or been forced to move on as well.

Thanks for letting me get some things off my mind. I don't want to get people fired, that's not my goal, but I think sometimes a well-argued complaint can be used to help a store improve their service to customers.
Customer Service is dead like the dinosaurs - here there is such a difficult time to hire anyone in low paying CS jobs and other menial labour jobs, as a result there are a lot of young exchange students working i stores who don’t speak English very well or French for that matter (bilingual country here), so if I ask them for something they cannot help me, and don’t take the initiative to go and find out how to help me.

No sense whining to management there is nothing they can do - if they terminated their employment they would just have to hire another who is equally incapable of communicating well.

Not sure where all the youngsters are who would be working in retail and other such jobs in the past… 🤨
I personally think it's unnecessary to go as far on things as you have. I wouldn't want to deal with you either. They probably found somewhere else to work I woukd think moreso than being fired. Once fired the employer has to replace that person and it's not easy today to get someone to show up for work much less work when they're there
I think if no one speaks up about a problem, then the management may never know about the problem.

I'm old-ish, but I remember when customer service could make or break a company. I used to work for one that lived by it. Word of mouth (or word of text) advertising is still worth a lot, if it's good.
Customer Service is dead like the dinosaurs

:old I sometimes feel like the dinosaur because I remember better days when customer service was so much better.

One complaint is not going to lose someone their job. Multiple complaints may, however.

That's what I thought, and hope. If the employee was wrong, a little training could probably correct the situation, and everyone comes out ahead. In both those cases, the managers stated I had been correct.

I personally think it's unnecessary to go as far on things as you have. I wouldn't want to deal with you either.

Yes, as a Senior Citizen, I have the free time to complain about poor customer service and hope that improvements can be made. After all, these are stores I frequent all the time and I want them to provide good service not only to me, but others as well.

I hope I don't come off like a cranky old guy, but don't lie to me on what your store policy is when I have been shopping at that store for many years and know better than you what is possible. And don't tell me that you cannot honor my military discount because your internet service is not working - not when you can enter the code manually yourself.

If you can't deal with an upset customer, then retail is probably not your calling. Certainly, customer service desk reps should be the best trained at solving problems, not making them worse. Well, that's the way I feel.

BTW, I pass up more compliments than complaints, so if you ever dealt with me and gave me good service, your support would have been acknowledged and you would have enjoyed helping me.

A complaint may be the nail, but their action, or lack of, is what will get people fired.

I suspect both of those case were employees that maybe already had a number of nails in their records. I have gotten the feeling that they treated me any differently than anyone else. I just took the extra time to bring a complaint to management.

Besides, I know for a fact that some employees do not get fired even when management wants them gone in the worse way.

True story: Fleet store again. I was in trying to buy some chicken fed, and I asked the employee there at the time for some help. He said he was too busy and almost literally ran away from me. As far as I could tell, he had no interest in helping anyone. I happened to know the floor manager that was on duty that shift, so I went and talked to him about my encounter, explaining that if I had not been shopping at their store for 30+ years, I would have left the store and never come back. Found out that employee had a number of the same complaints from many customers, that management was aware of the problem, that usually the guy works back in the warehouse and does not deal with customers because he lacks "personal skills" but they could not fire him because they were short on employees. I can understand that. And the manager knew that employee was hurting store sales out front. But the manager was in a bind too. Long story short, he had someone else get the bag of fed down for me and gave me 50% off the purchase price as a goodwill offering.
I go out of my way to look for things to compliment people on at their workplace. If I get some good customer service, I will thank them, by name and tell them I appreciate their support. I have even asked to talk to a store manager in some cases where an employee really stood out in customer support. One time, a young mechanic actually received a $$$ bonus at our local Fleet store because I reported some outstanding service he provided to me.

Lately, however, I had some interactions with employees that were not very good, at all. I complained to management about the poor service by that employee and have seen neither one of those employees at the stores in the past 6+ weeks. I don't know if my complaint caused them to get fired (I hope not), or if the employee was on their way out anyway and I just got a dose of negativity from them that day. Both employees had been working at their stores for years, and it is unusual for me to shop there and not see them.

First case: Fleet store. One weekend, I needed to get some old paint purchased last year shook up so I could paint the chicken coop. The lady at the counter refused to shake up my paint cans because she said they had an explosion of paint on a previously opened can and it really made a mess. This made no sense to me because if you have the paint tinted, they have to open up the can, add the tint, then shake it up. So then this lady asks me if I wanted to clean up the mess if the can explodes in the paint shaker. I told her no, that I am not allowed to use their equipment, but their equipment should have built in protection to keep the lid on. Then she tells me it was store policy not to shake up previously used cans of paint. To which I asked her, when in the last 30 years did that policy change? Her response was to tell me that she refused to shake the cans and walked away from me to the back room employee only section.

I went to the customer service desk and asked to talk to a floor manager. A manager came, listened to my side of the story, and went back to the paint counter with me and she got the paint cans shook up for me. That employee that was supposed to be there had not returned. Anyways, I thanked the manager and left the store.

A couple days later, I was back at the store and asked to talk to the store manager. I said I wanted to compliment the floor manager for helping me with the paint situation. I asked why the employee had refused to help me and walked away from me in the process. He informed me that there had been no change in policy in shaking the used paint cans, they would still do that. Additionally, he stated that there had been a real mess with a paint can lid coming off the paint can, but it was a brand new paint can, and the employee had failed to use the equipment properly.

Bottom line, I have not seen that employee at the store in the last 8 weeks, since I made my complaint.

Second case: Home Depot. I was at the customer service desk purchasing a few items. The store internet was not working properly, and I could not access the military discount QR code on my smart phone. After a few minutes of trying, I showed her my military id card and asked her if she could enter the discount on machine. She told me she could not. I found that very strange. So, I held up the line as I continued to fumble with my smart phone and their internet was not working. I refused to step aside until my transaction was completed. After about 20 minutes, the line behind me had grown as far as into the paint department. I did not care at that point. I would have stayed there another half hour just to make it as painful for Home Depot as they were making it for me. Finally, after seeing people upset that had to wait in line for this situation, she she pressed a few keys on her till and my military discount was magically added to the transaction! Took her less than 20 seconds. So I took my stuff and left the store.

Somewhere, on the way to the car, I got even more upset about the transaction. So I went back into the store and asked some guys at the "Pro Desk" to call a manager because I had a complaint about the customer service desk. I told the store manager what had just happened to me, and that I did not understand why she had insisted I must use the Home Depot app to get my military discount when their in-store internet was not working, I clearly was trying to access my account on my smartphone, but she waited for about 20 minutes before entering the magic code herself that took her only a few seconds. The manager said that was unacceptable, that he would look into the situation, and thanked me for taking the time to talk to him.

I was in the store a week later, and had my military discount QR code on my smartphone, but the self-checkout machine was not reading it properly. I called over one of the employees for help, and believe it or not, he now had a military id QR code badge attached to his employee vest, scanned his badge, my military discount was applied, and I was out the door in no time! What a change! I like to think my complaint had something to do with their new procedure.

Anyways, I have not seen that first lady at the customer service back there in over 6 weeks. I am thinking she might have moved on, or been forced to move on as well.

Thanks for letting me get some things off my mind. I don't want to get people fired, that's not my goal, but I think sometimes a well-argued complaint can be used to help a store improve their service to customers.
I have never been rude to ANYONE waiting on me and in the last couple weeks a pharmacy employee was extremely rude to me so being a business owner myself I asked to speak to the manager. I told him what she had done to me twice now. She wasn’t there a couple weeks later. I don’t care if she got fired myself. She deserves it. She needs to find a job where she doesn’t interact with the public. I’m pretty sure she treated others the same way. Not acceptable.
I would have left the store and never come back. Found out that employee had a number of the same complaints from many customers, that management was aware of the problem, that usually the guy works back in the warehouse and does not deal with customers because he lacks "personal skills
Unique situation. Great in one role, but no where else.

:fl please don't get sick or take vacation. I don't want to put employee X on the sales floor.

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