In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 23, 2012
Long Island New York
I understand the benefits of food grade DE, but I would appreciate specifically, guidelines on instructions, tools, methods, techniques of distributing DE inside a 5' x4' x 3' coop as well as a 8'x9' run. Do you apply it when the chickens are inside the coop as it may create an inhalation exposure? Any advice you can give will be welcomed. Thank you!
I shake it out into the coop when the girls are in the run. If you don't have anything with a shaker top, just poke a bunch of holea into a yogurt (or whatever) container lid.

Within the run, I usually shake it onto the ground in the morning before I let the girls out of the coop.
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I have a tub in my coop in the winter that has dirt, DE and wood ashes for them to dust bathe in. I also add some each time I clean out the nestboxes. I use the deep litter method and sprinkled DE liberally on the ground before I put down pine shavings. I will add some to the fresh bedding eery few weeks or so.

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