Diatomaceous Earth - Human Use-dosage etc. WOW !!!!

I would definitely recommend using some sort of mask when doing anything that involves much bedding/DE dust. I didn't use to use a mask, but a couple weeks ago I was coughing/clearing my throat for several hours after stirring the bedding (to which I had added food grade DE). I don't think a couple times breathing the dust will kill you, but the cummulative effect could be significant, and by the time you realize you have a lung problem, it'd probably be too late. I use a mask something like this and it seems to work ok: http://www.amazon.com/Disposable-EA..._bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1225127035&sr=8-1 .
I am NOT a sales person !!! Many people who are familiar with organic cleanses use DE. I was just sharing some information but IM sorry if i made you angry !
Kristen I put it in water, stir it once and chugalug it. If you are a sipper then you will have to keep stirring it as you sip as it settles quickly. Mix it with whatever suits YOU! If people take the time to read web-sites in their entirety, you will see the results of lots of studies on PermaGuard and most are favorable. (please see www.freshwaterorganics.com/what_is_de.htm ) Before anyone asks ME if I am selling PermaGuard, yes I am. I would use it if I wasnt selling it and ONLY sell it for the gas it takes me to drive 200 miles to get it. Having said that, I will always have it both for my animals and myself. Selling it only helps me make it on a fixed income.
I had been taking DE (one tablespoon in a glass of water, followed by another glass of water) for over a month, and noticed a definite improvement in my joints, hair, nails and skin tone. I slacked off and my wrists are starting to hurt again - my bad. For me the stuff has worked well at helping the arthritis and everything else I mentioned. I'm back on the DE bandwagon again, this time I don't intend to fall off!
Alrighty, then, I'll give it another try. I've used it in the past with no success. Now I know I had other health issues that I have since dealt with, but forgot about the DE. So I'll go fix myself another jar to keep in my kitchen. I'd love it if my hands quit hurting all the time.....
Kristen I put it in water, stir it once and chugalug it. If you are a sipper then you will have to keep stirring it as you sip as it settles quickly. Mix it with whatever suits YOU! If people take the time to read web-sites in their entirety, you will see the results of lots of studies on PermaGuard and most are favorable. (please see www.freshwaterorganics.com/what_is_de.htm ) Before anyone asks ME if I am selling PermaGuard, yes I am. I would use it if I wasnt selling it and ONLY sell it for the gas it takes me to drive 200 miles to get it. Having said that, I will always have it both for my animals and myself. Selling it only helps me make it on a fixed income.

I have also used it myself and for my animals. I haven't use it personally lately but I will start again having been reminded of the benefits.

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