Diagnostic test's

Isaac 0

7 Years
Jul 19, 2016
I'm interested in hearing from anyone who performs diagnostics tests on their poultry, or animals of any kind. Very recently, I have been doing floats, gram stains, and peripheral blood smears on the birds, and would like to hear other people's personal experience regarding these type of tests, and hopefully learn some new things.

I know a lot of you do floats, but is there anyone who's done gram stains or blood films?

If anybody is interested, I have some recent pictures of a gram stain on a chicken's oral mouth flora, and as a test, I used my blood to do a blood film, which surprisingly turned out well, at some point I'll get a blood sample from the birds.
I have seen posts from people doing fecal float tests and gross body necropsy but not gram stains or blood films.

Good thread!

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