Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

I do not know. Much taller than Indo, and last time I tried to eyeball a measurement of Indo based upon his natural stance I think he was somewhere around 22-24 inches.
I'm moving down to South Alabama soon, I sure hope I can buy some hatching eggs from you off of your liege/asil project. They look amazing!
I had a couple of liege fighters from GFF but had to let them go so we could move from Texas last summer. But now we have land and I can't wait to get chickens started again
Do you think Azog has turned on yet? Do you think he will? Being 3/4 Liege.
He is domineering and predatory now. Whether that will translate into a game drive remains to be seen. I am considering keeping him cooped for a long time to come, possibly for up to 3 years, so that he doesn’t learn submission to the turkey or the guineas. I am curious to see if a mature bird that is sufficiently larger than the guineafowl cocks will come to dominate them.
He is domineering and predatory now. Whether that will translate into a game drive remains to be seen. I am considering keeping him cooped for a long time to come, possibly for up to 3 years, so that he doesn’t learn submission to the turkey or the guineas. I am curious to see if a mature bird that is sufficiently larger than the guineafowl cocks will come to dominate them.
Do you ever have issues of your guineas going after turkeys? My turkeys are certainly larger than my guineas, but I've had several occasions of the guineas attacking turkeys. I had, in one point at time, the issues of several guineas at once- between 3 and 5 or 6- attacking a single turkey, despite size. Maybe my turkeys just lack the drive to fight back though.

Have your chickens ever fought your guineas? Do they actually put up a fight against them, that being why you wonder whether Azog will dominate them?
Do you ever have issues of your guineas going after turkeys? My turkeys are certainly larger than my guineas, but I've had several occasions of the guineas attacking turkeys. I had, in one point at time, the issues of several guineas at once- between 3 and 5 or 6- attacking a single turkey, despite size. Maybe my turkeys just lack the drive to fight back though.

Have your chickens ever fought your guineas? Do they actually put up a fight against them, that being why you wonder whether Azog will dominate them?
No, my turkeys have seemed to dominate the guineas.

My stags will usually bow up at the guineas the first day or so the stags are on free range them the stags learn to run from them. The only time I’ve seen a rooster really tickle a guinea cock good with his spurs is that once Hei Hei got around 3 years old he’d flog the guineas for charging and grappling with hens, as the guineas often do to take over a stretch of feed that’s been thrown out. But when faced directly Hei Hei would still run from them if they wanted his feed and charged at him.
He is domineering and predatory now. Whether that will translate into a game drive remains to be seen. I am considering keeping him cooped for a long time to come, possibly for up to 3 years, so that he doesn’t learn submission to the turkey or the guineas. I am curious to see if a mature bird that is sufficiently larger than the guineafowl cocks will come to dominate them.
I had some Ganoi years ago that never backed down from the guineas no matter how old the Ganoi were. All my Ganoi were raised by both parents so the youngsters never had to face the guineas on their own. Even so, I noticed that if they did happen to clash with a guinea despite having the protection of both parents they never ran from the guineas.
Does Indo take the guineas? As a mature gamecock he should not run.
From what I’ve read in cocking literature, guinea cocks and tom turkeys will make the gamiest of American gamefowl run. Thus the reason old timers say that gamefowl ought not be raised around them. Those of that strain if thought wanted their game cocks unchallenged until they went to the pit. I’ll look for some of the sources that talk about it.

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