Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)


My brother’s Liege. I can never do him justice in pics as to just how huge he is. Truly his spurs are the length and thickness of my index fingers.
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Any idea how tall?
No idea. We can’t pick him up. We can’t handle him safely. He’s not aggressive but he’s wild enough that he’d flail and one accidental jab from those spurs could be deadly. I can verify his spurs are the same thickness and length of my index fingers, so that makes them about 3/4” thick and 3 inches long.

He’s the biggest chicken I’ve ever seen with my own eyes. Some times he free ranges and next time I’m at my brother’s farm I’ll ask to turn him out and squat next to him eating some scratch.


2 pullets and 1 hen from my brother’s farm have been introduced. Like myself, he used to flock breed and not toe mark chicks, so one aspect of their composition is mysterious; they’re definitely 1/2 Liege but its unknown if they are 1/2 aseel or 1/4 aseel and 1/4 cracker. He made chicks of both compositions and once they grew up they all looked alike. As where I made my F1 Liege crosses by breeding an aseel rooster over Liege hens, he made his by doing Liege roosters over aseel and aseel x cracker hens.

One of the 3 has actually brooded previously, so she should likely produce a clutch this spring.

They are significantly smaller than my 1/2 Liege x aseel crosses. Shadow, who is a 1/2 Liege x aseel, is noticeably larger.
Wow, are you aware of him ever going after hawks.
I don’t think he’s free ranged enough to be tested in that regard. He’s only let out on certain days for a few hours. I couldn’t imagine any bird of prey except a great horned owl or a bald eagle trying him directly, and I am not sure that any smaller hawk would try his hens either. They’d be large even for a red tailed hawk to try (although I have known red tails to take normal sized layers).

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