Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

I use unrefined organic coconut oil as a GREAT dewormer. It kills all internal/external parasites when the coconut oil breaks down in the body to luric acid. Its also a great booster of egg production, and a good source of fats. I also put apple cider vinegar in their water which boosts the acidity of their blood which also helps prevent internal, and external parasites in/on your chickens. Apple cider vinegar in water is also a great immune booster. Apple cider vinegar has antibiotic, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties which also helps with their health. It's also a booster of egg production. I use these products with GREAT success, and its cost friendly, and safer for your chickens, and organic safe for your meat, and eggs.
How do you give the coconut oil?
How do you give the coconut oil?
You can give 2 congealed teaspoons of unrefined organic coconut oil per chicken in a feed dish with some feed, and the fats in the coconut oil is a good source of fats for your chickens. Then as a preventative put a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a gallon of water to keep them worm free, keeps the lice, mites, ticks, and fleas off them. It also keeps them healthy, and their immune systems strong so they wont get sick. Oh! And make sure that your waterer is not metal. Apple cider vinegar reacts to metal, and can poison your chickens. Must use plastic waterers. And the coconut oil, and apple cider vinegar both boost egg production as well. And you don't have to worry about chemical wormers tainting your eggs, and meat. Natural organic is the best, and healthiest way to care for your flock.
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You can give 2 congealed teaspoons of unrefined organic coconut oil per chicken in a feed dish with some feed, and the fats in the coconut oil is a good source of fats for your chickens. Then as a preventative put a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a gallon of water to keep them worm free, keeps the lice, mites, ticks, and fleas off them. It also keeps them healthy, and their immune systems strong so they wont get sick. Oh! And make sure that your waterer is not metal. Apple cider vinegar reacts to metal, and can poison your chickens. Must use plastic waterers. And the coconut oil, and apple cider vinegar both boost egg production as well. And you don't have to worry about chemical wormers tainting your eggs, and meat. Natural organic is the best, and healthiest way to care for your flock.

Sources for all this? Especially the boosting egg production
Sources for all this? Especially the boosting egg production
I use unrefined organic coconut oil as a GREAT dewormer. It kills all internal/external parasites when the coconut oil breaks down in the body to luric acid. Its also a great booster of egg production, and a good source of fats. I also put apple cider vinegar in their water which boosts the acidity of their blood which also helps prevent internal, and external parasites in/on your chickens. Apple cider vinegar in water is also a great immune booster. Apple cider vinegar has antibiotic, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties which also helps with their health. It's also a booster of egg production. I use these products with GREAT success, and its cost friendly, and safer for your chickens, and organic safe for your meat, and eggs.
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Sources for all this? Especially the boosting egg production
Probably like the red pepper used for blackhead in turkeys. ... Not able to patten so few studies.

I use unrefined organic coconut oil as a GREAT dewormer. It kills all internal/external parasites when the coconut oil breaks down in the body to luric acid. Its also a great booster of egg production, and a good source of fats. I also put apple cider vinegar in their water which boosts the acidity of their blood which also helps prevent internal, and external parasites in/on your chickens. Apple cider vinegar in water is also a great immune booster. Apple cider vinegar has antibiotic, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties which also helps with their health. It's also a booster of egg production. I use these products with GREAT success, and its cost friendly, and safer for your chickens, and organic safe for your meat, and eggs.
Where did you hear about using the coconut oil?
I use unrefined organic coconut oil as a GREAT dewormer. It kills all internal/external parasites when the coconut oil breaks down in the body to luric acid. Its also a great booster of egg production, and a good source of fats. I also put apple cider vinegar in their water which boosts the acidity of their blood which also helps prevent internal, and external parasites in/on your chickens. Apple cider vinegar in water is also a great immune booster. Apple cider vinegar has antibiotic, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties which also helps with their health. It's also a booster of egg production. I use these products with GREAT success, and its cost friendly, and safer for your chickens, and organic safe for your meat, and eggs.
Ok. How does coconut oil boost egg production? I'm interested in the factual studies of the others aswell.
Forget I said anything. Everytime I share something on here that has worked for my chickens I always get people who want to contradict what I shared, and try to prove me wrong. I guess there are people on here that want to be the only one's giving advice, and being the only one's that know things about chickens. Sorry for trying to share. Do your own research, and figure it out for yourselves.
Forget I said anything. Everytime I share something on here that has worked for my chickens I always get people who want to contradict what I shared, and try to prove me wrong. I guess there are people on here that want to be the only one's giving advice, and being the only one's that know things about chickens. Sorry for trying to share. Do your own research, and figure it out for yourselves.

You should not portray your ideas or thoughts as facts.
Forget I said anything. Everytime I share something on here that has worked for my chickens I always get people who want to contradict what I shared, and try to prove me wrong. I guess there are people on here that want to be the only one's giving advice, and being the only one's that know things about chickens. Sorry for trying to share. Do your own research, and figure it out for yourselves.
I believe you. With the amount of fowl that you raise it's easily believeable for me that it works exactly the way you described. There are things I have done for 15 years that work very well for me, and, I have people try to tell me that some of the things I've been doing with great success don't work. I can relate with the frusration you experienced here. I have mostly quit sharing unless someone private messages me and asks very specific questions. it's even possible that I'll tell em' in a private message to try some things on their own.
Everytime I share something on here that has worked for my chickens I always get people who want to contradict what I shared, and try to prove me wrong.
When someone shares a thing I have never heard of, I like to understand how it works. I've learned some useful things that way.

So I would definitely be interested in understanding more about what you said, of coconut oil killing worms and other parasites and boosting egg production.

If the parasites were causing lower egg production, just killing them could boost the egg production back to where it was supposed to be. But if it boosts production of chickens that did not have parasites anyway, there would have to be another mechanism.

And I don't know enough about the mechanisms that kill parasites to evaluate how effective coconut oil might be there, so I was hoping there would be some studies where someone who does understand it, tests it and documents how well it does (or doesn't) work.

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