Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)


Indo is a stud. But I don’t think totally he’s what I’m looking for in my final product. His wings are too short and he’s only just on the large size for an American gamefowl (I think in another year and a half Indo will be in his full splendor and he’s top out around 7.5lbs). He can fly for the purposes of attack and going to roost but I think his wings really need to be large in proportion to his body size. I think he’s an excellent rooster and a dear pet. But he’s just a genetic stepping stone for the purposes of my final large gamefowl.



Azog, on the other hand, may end up being the bird I had in mind when I split the project into two lines. He’s already tracking to be significantly larger than Indo and his wings are large even for his body size. He’s very personable to me but highly dominant towards other chickens. He scavenges aggressively, as does Indo, but unlike Indo I believe he’ll be capable of taking and eating prey larger than he can swallow. I believe I can teach him to kill rabbits and pick the meat off their carcasses. Not that he’ll necessarily be able to run a wild cottontail down, buy if offered a slow domestic rabbit or if he finds a nest of young wild rabbits I believe he’ll learn to kill and eat once he learns they taste good.

He is now penned in a large coop with my layers which I have pulled off of free range. I expect he’ll undergo rapid growth and maturity as Lanky did. I’m going to give him access to constant food. I believe he’ll be near Indo’s size before he’s a year old.

I am reasonably sure he’ll be my brood cock for the next step. Which is choosing a suitable hen and line breeding him to the offspring for several generations in order to make a whole flock of Azogs. One candidate is my large American x aseel pullet. Another possibility would be to obtain another pure Liege hen and line breed him back to the Liege over and over again or alternatively breed Indo to her and try to make a female counterpart to Azog before pairing and line breeding them.

Its a shame I lost my golden hackled Liege hen to the bobcat. She was always healthy and thick even when free ranging. I’m sure the bobcat ate well that day. She would have been a nice one to either make more 3/4 Liege off of or to cross back to Azog.
Sorry if I've gotten any this wrong or missing anything, but would the Ivermectin treat anything else? I wonder if there were a strong case of worm, or maybe none at all? If as I read there were no or minimal risk of protein overload or blockage due to massive worm die off.
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Sorry about that grammar! Had to make an edit there... I was just thinking you went straight to Ivers. I'm reading that you would first start with a specialized dewormer and move to Ivers so as to prevent a mass worm/parasite die off in the bird which could cause either protien over load or an internal blockage.
Sorry about that grammar! Had to make an edit there... I was just thinking you went straight to Ivers. I'm reading that you would first start with a specialized dewormer and move to Ivers so as to prevent a mass worm/parasite die off in the bird which could cause either protien over load or an internal blockage.
Actually I do just use straight ivermectin. In addition to intestinal parasites it also kills any blood suckers and I’m sure all other sorts of microscopic creepy crawlies.
Actually I do just use straight ivermectin. In addition to intestinal parasites it also kills any blood suckers and I’m sure all other sorts of microscopic creepy crawlies.
Ok I'm marking you down as a for Ivers straight-up vote. I was tempted the other day, but the price tag held me back and at the time I wasn't sure about dosage.
Actually I do just use straight ivermectin. In addition to intestinal parasites it also kills any blood suckers and I’m sure all other sorts of microscopic creepy crawlies.
I use unrefined organic coconut oil as a GREAT dewormer. It kills all internal/external parasites when the coconut oil breaks down in the body to luric acid. Its also a great booster of egg production, and a good source of fats. I also put apple cider vinegar in their water which boosts the acidity of their blood which also helps prevent internal, and external parasites in/on your chickens. Apple cider vinegar in water is also a great immune booster. Apple cider vinegar has antibiotic, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties which also helps with their health. It's also a booster of egg production. I use these products with GREAT success, and its cost friendly, and safer for your chickens, and organic safe for your meat, and eggs.
I use unrefined organic coconut oil as a GREAT dewormer. It kills all internal/external parasites when the coconut oil breaks down in the body to luric acid. Its also a great booster of egg production, and a good source of fats. I also put apple cider vinegar in their water which boosts the acidity of their blood which also helps prevent internal, and external parasites in/on your chickens. Apple cider vinegar in water is also a great immune booster. Apple cider vinegar has antibiotic, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties which also helps with their health. It's also a booster of egg production. I use these products with GREAT success, and its cost friendly, and safer for your chickens, and organic safe for your meat, and eggs.
Will have to try this, mine is getting worse, and now no one has Ivermectin 1% pour on, otherwise I'll have to figure out how to use the injectable.

I may have some coconut on hand though.

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