Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Funny but also bittersweet. Lovely. More!
I hope you don't think it's too bittersweet. Derperella has grown up to be the most happy-go-lucky bird in our flock!

As all of the other pullets (and the cockeral... but that's another story entirely) grew, so did Derp. But she didn't grow well, or fast. She was finally healthy, but she was small and runty. The Food Lady was worried about her, but she acted like such a happy chicken that what could one do, but let Derp be Derp?

She in an incredibly sweet, and snuggly little chicken. Her cheek and beard feathers are nearly always wet, because when she drinks, she shakes her head the whole time, spraying water all over her extra feathers.



Derp was finally all feathered out! What fun! She took great joy in preening all of her strange, mis-matched and (wrong colored) Faverolles feathers.


Sometimes the Food People show Derp New Things. New Things are so amazing that Derp's only reaction is to stare at them, intensely and without moving, for at least 5 minutes.
Here, one of the Food Lady's friends, who was sketching the chickens, showed Derp her kneaded eraser, whatever that is. It required at least 8 minutes of staring.

Derp does so enjoy being touched.

Everyone was finally old enough to enjoy roosting at night! Boy, how Derp loved to roost. Derp was proud to always be the first one into the coop to roost, and she would fly up and deposit herself in her favorite spot:
At the very end, horizontal, parallel, and weird.
Oh, my goodness, how did I miss this when it started??? I've subscribed now so I can follow tales of Derp's adventures.

The photos are fantastic, but that sketch of Derp with the Q-tip stuck in her throat is ADORABLE!!! This DOES need to be a book! With photos AND sketches!

Thank you so much for sharing Derp with us all.

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