Delray Beach Chicken Zone Ordinance


14 Years
Dec 23, 2008
Boca Raton
Hi everyone. I'm Robin and I am sitting here with Jub Jub. I was one of the first members here when started my own backyard chicken farm almost 14 years ago. I moved to Delray Beach recenty and one neighbor called the athorities on us about our pet hen, but later called back and canceled the call! That was a close one. I got together with the community gardens and they helped find a woman who is working for the government here and she is trying to pass a law that we can have backyard chickens! I dont know too much about it, but you know this thrills me, I dont even know if its going to work or not, but I am so happy that we have a chance of going legal. Jub Jub is not ony my pet, but she gives us eggs and is in my show. In the past my hens have won first prize at the State and County Fairs! I love chickens.

Glad to have you here!
robinfox, I recently moved (well about a year) from Alabama to Delray. I live in an apartment (Citation Club). Have you ascertained whether there is an ordinance against keeping chickens in the city? I miss my chicks!

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