Dead Hen - Ratsnake?


7 Years
Dec 30, 2012
South Central Virginia
Greetings all. Has anyone here seen where an eastern rat snake has constricted a full grown chicken hen to death? I had a hen sitting eggs with at least one hatched chick. I found her dead yesterday afternoon in the nest. It appeared that something had tried to swallow her beginning with the head. Her head and neck down to the shoulders were covered in what appeared to be saliva. No other visible marks except for ruffled feathers. I have a few black snakes here in the 8 ft. range. I thought the chick had met the same fate, but I found it wandering around this morning. Managed to catch it and put it in the brooder with a bunch of other younger birds. Hopefully it will survive. Thanks.
That sounds very much like a snake kill. Snake constricted her, and tried to swallow, but she was too big - probably a fairly good sized snake to attempt a mature hen.
Thanks. Nothing this large was lost in this manner (except chicks and a pigeon prior to the hen). I had suspected this with the smaller fowl. Beginning to wonder if there is a python or boa around. LOL.
No telling out here in the woods.
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