Dead girl


11 Years
Aug 1, 2012
I had 4 hens as of this morning. I let them out of the coop and all seemed normal. Two of my girls (an americauna and a new hampshire red) are dependable layers and did so today. I have a much older americauna who I call mom because she mothers the entire flock. In particular she loves to take care of our 5 month old Buff. This afternoon I went to give them their BOSS as a treat only to find the Buff dead in the box with Mom staring at her. Mom is very upset and depressed as am I, but I'm concerned that it may be more than depression. The Buff had no signs of disease and her color comb and feet looked normal. Mom seems normal as well. Any advice as to what I should check for?
sure sorry about your buff. was is normal for her to be in the box? if you're up for it you might do your own "autopsy". look specifically in the crop & air passage. i would also look throughout the digestive tract. it may have been as simple as a blockage & there is no disease to threaten your other girls.
i too have only four girls. lose one & it's a big loss.
I'm not sure I have the stomach for an autopsy. Maybe tomorrow. I'm really worried about Mom. I tried to cheer her up with mealworms and she ignored me. Thanks for the suggestion.
Are you close to LSU? You could take her or ship her there for a necropsy. If you ship, put her in the refrigerator, not the freezer and ship on Monday for a Tuesday delivery. Ask them if you can use their FedEx account number.
OMG! Today I got home and Mom was dead! I'm very upset. She was the captain of the heard. I'm going to contact the LSU Ag center tomorrow to find out if they can find a cause of death. She was fine this morning when I went off to work. She has no signs of attack or disease. I'm worried for the rest of the flock.
I am sorry to here about that, something like that has happened to my 3 of my chickens and i have no idea what caused it.
I have tried and tried to get some help from the Ag Center in Louisiana. Apparently there is only one person who knows anything about chickens and she is not available. I have sent an e-mail and left a voice mail, but no response.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can be doing instead? I’m worried I’m going to lose my entire flock.
Well the gal from the Ag Center called me back yesterday evening. The prognosis is not good. She pointed to two possibilities; poisoning or disease. If it was a poisoning event, then it is likely all of the chickens would have died about the same time considering they would have likely consumed the poison at about the same time. If it’s a disease, then it is likely that the whole flock has already been exposed to it and is already sick; albeit with no symptoms.

She told me that I could bring one of the dead chickens to the diagnostics lab for a necroscopy and it would cost $35. It would also take me about 4 hours round trip to bring it and the results might be inconclusive. My wife and I have decided not to bother and hope for the best. The rest of the chickens seem happy and healthy and are laying every day so perhaps all is well.

Thanks for all of your comments and sympathies.

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