Day old chicks - comb type can indicate gender?


7 Years
Apr 18, 2017
Hi, this morning our chicks hatched under a broody - the mother is a serama and these are her own eggs. The father isnt a serama, but another bantam small breed, and he has a pea comb, while the mother has a single comb. Some of the chicks have pea combs, and some have single combs - does it means that the ones with the single comb are females, and the pea combs are males?? this clutch the chicks dont look like their mother that much. Last clutch the chicks looked just like her (unlike this time, the previous father was a serama too) does it mean they won't have a serama characterstics at all??

Thank you!
Comb type isn't linked to gender in any way. What it means is that the pea comb parent is rrPp rather than rrPP. He isn't pure pea comb. Pea comb is dominate over straight comb (rrpp), so any chicks with P genetic will show it.

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