Day old chicken, big belly, legs pointing forward, unable to stand up

He is up and walking around now, the band-aid i was using to bind his legs lost its grip and hes walking without it now. Should i put one more on for another day just in case or will his legs be corrected automatically now that he can stand and walk around?

He doesnt eat or drink on his own, i have been feeding him with a syringe. Hopefully he understands to eat and drink water and the very diluted porridge (with some crushed B-vitamin in it) soon. Does he need any help finding out how it works or do they seek it out themselves when they are thirsty?
You will need to dip his beak in the water and in the food. I put down paper towel on the floor of the brooder, and sprinkle the chick crumbles around their feet the first day or so, and they peck at it. I would watch him closely to see that he is getting some normally. Then you can feed him later in case he hasn’t gotten enough.

If he is getting along without the bandaid, and his legs are close enough together, he should get the hanging of walking. The legs should be 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches apart. Great job on helping the little chick.
He is up and walking around now, the band-aid i was using to bind his legs lost its grip and hes walking without it now. Should i put one more on for another day just in case or will his legs be corrected automatically now that he can stand and walk around?

He doesnt eat or drink on his own, i have been feeding him with a syringe. Hopefully he understands to eat and drink water and the very diluted porridge (with some crushed B-vitamin in it) soon. Does he need any help finding out how it works or do they seek it out themselves when they are thirsty?
Glad he is able to walk around now! If he seems to be moving o.k. see how it goes.
I agree with scattering a little bit of crumbles on a paper towel to encourage him to eat on his own. You can also peck at the food and water with your finger to generate interested.
Hope he continues to improve, keep us posted.
Ok so the lil chicken made a full recovery and we had such a special bond. He used to sleep on my chest and sit in my hand when i was sitting in front of the computer. He used to wake me up in the morning by chiping beside my bed wanting me to lift him up so he could snuggle in my hand.

I went to work last wednesday and when i came home, he was gone. My father had opened the coop to let the chickens out in the yard and didnt watch them so the hen with the chicks made it out and i think a predatory bird took him.

I am so sad, i didnt even cry this much when my grandfather passed. I was basically his extra mother and i failed to protect him. He was just a baby. The fact that he made it and still died because of such a stupid ****ing mistake makes me so angry.
I knew i shouldnt have put him back with the other chickens so soon.

Thanks for your help everybody, but if it hurts this much i doubt i will want to take responsability and have such a close connection to a pet again.
Ok so the lil chicken made a full recovery and we had such a special bond. He used to sleep on my chest and sit in my hand when i was sitting in front of the computer. He used to wake me up in the morning by chiping beside my bed wanting me to lift him up so he could snuggle in my hand.

I went to work last wednesday and when i came home, he was gone. My father had opened the coop to let the chickens out in the yard and didnt watch them so the hen with the chicks made it out and i think a predatory bird took him.

I am so sad, i didnt even cry this much when my grandfather passed. I was basically his extra mother and i failed to protect him. He was just a baby. The fact that he made it and still died because of such a stupid ****ing mistake makes me so angry.
I knew i shouldnt have put him back with the other chickens so soon.

Thanks for your help everybody, but if it hurts this much i doubt i will want to take responsability and have such a close connection to a pet again.
Awww...I'm so sorry! :hugs

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