Day 57


9 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Colorado(near a big city)
Whats the longest you have let emu eggs go for? Im on day 57 from my own pair of emus. So no shipping or trauma involved for the eggs. They have all done the forward tilt thing. Tapping is still a nice dull thud. No china ping. No leaking. No bad smells. Cool air cell end, warm on the other end when I take them out to observe. I feel like I have seen small movements from at least half? But maybe I was staring too long. Who knows. I dont want to call it too early if there is still a chance. But the wait is crazy!! Thanks!!

32% humidity
once i threw out some duck eggs over a full week late and one was still alive and several days from the hatch point. Leave em.
Whats the longest you have let emu eggs go for? Im on day 57 from my own pair of emus. So no shipping or trauma involved for the eggs. They have all done the forward tilt thing. Tapping is still a nice dull thud. No china ping. No leaking. No bad smells. Cool air cell end, warm on the other end when I take them out to observe. I feel like I have seen small movements from at least half? But maybe I was staring too long. Who knows. I dont want to call it too early if there is still a chance. But the wait is crazy!! Thanks!!

32% humidity
Any luck with hatching? I see it's going to be about Day 64. If they don't hatch I highly recommend opening the eggs up to see what went wrong. Was there any development? If there was poke around and take a good look. It's how we learn. Take photos to document.
Hoping you had hatches though and don't have to do any of that!
Any luck with hatching? I see it's going to be about Day 64. If they don't hatch I highly recommend opening the eggs up to see what went wrong. Was there any development? If there was poke around and take a good look. It's how we learn. Take photos to document.
Hoping you had hatches though and don't have to do any of that!
Hanging in until day 70 for good measure. I am absolutely going to be doing eggtopsy on all 7 to see what went down. Nothing smells. No leaking. But also no movement or peeps either. Thanks for checking. You are in the big FB group as well! Thanks for sharing all your knowledge and checking in!

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