Day 26 no movement in duck eggs


Jul 9, 2020
Hi all, using an nr360 I have diligently incubated 8 fertile eggs for the last 26 days turning 5x daily and keeping temp at 99.5 and humidity at 60% the first 18 days til I saw air cells seemed a bit full so dropped it to 40-45%. Yesterday I put them on lockdown and raised humidity to 70% and dropped temp to 98.5. They were moving last night though less than during the day when I went to bed. This morning no pips and no movement.

Should I just leave them be? Is this normal? Any reason to disturb lockdown to candle? I don’t o ow how to tell internal pip certainly Without taking them out to candle. Any suggestions appreciated!
Hi all, using an nr360 I have diligently incubated 8 fertile eggs for the last 26 days turning 5x daily and keeping temp at 99.5 and humidity at 60% the first 18 days til I saw air cells seemed a bit full so dropped it to 40-45%. Yesterday I put them on lockdown and raised humidity to 70% and dropped temp to 98.5. They were moving last night though less than during the day when I went to bed. This morning no pips and no movement.

Should I just leave them be? Is this normal? Any reason to disturb lockdown to candle? I don’t o ow how to tell internal pip certainly Without taking them out to candle. Any suggestions appreciated!
Opening the incubator during lockdown is a bad idea, because the duckling might die or get shrink wrapped when big changes in humidity occur.
So far several have pipped today. One is pipped on the end without the air cell. When I get back home my hope is to get some coconut oil from me that area to give it a better shot
Birds hatch perfectly well themselves even when pipped incorrectly on the wrong end. Your eggs are doing great. Leave them alone.

If you'd like something to do, to busy yourself, read up on how to recognize when an egg need help. Pipping on the wrong side alone does not indicate distress or needing help. These eggs can take longer to hatch because this counts as their internal pip. Ducklings in general take a long to hatch. Please be patient.
Sit on your hands! if you do see a pip they still are not ready to hatch, and it doesn't mean the chick has absorbed all the yolk yet, they have to breathe some air before this happens.

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