Day 23 more than half haven’t hatched???


In the Brooder
Oct 22, 2021
I am new to incubating and hatching. This is my 2nd run. The first hatch was amazingly successful. We got 24 hatched out of 30 with only one rooster. Not even sure how we did that! We have the Maticoopx and live in a camper so with little to no room we set the incubator outside in our barn, protected from wind and rain, in the shade. It did great.We live in north central Florida. When it got too cold I put a blanket over top and everything was perfect. Temperature was at 99.5 % and humidity varied from 50-70 degrees
For this 2nd hatch I picked specific eggs and only put in 24 this time. I had read that placing them in fridge for 2-3 days before would give you more females and also a half degree less would give females. So I did both.
I put in 24 eggs at 99.0% Florida temps have been up and down the last two weeks but I never covered the incubator this time bc the humidity was staying consistent.
I had 6 chicks hatch on day 21. Waiting for the others I let them stay in incubator for 24 hours and moved them to make room for other chicks. Yesterday-day 22 I had two pips and lots of chirping from them. Waited it out and this morning one hatched and I think the other one might be gone, I haven’t seen movement all day. I don’t want to open the incubator again to mess the temps up but I still have 15 eggs that haven’t hatched, pipped or anything.
Should I wait another day? Or did I majorly mess up by moving the other chicks, putting eggs in fridge, changing the temperature ………..
Am I able to candle these tonight or should I just wait? I’d just like to know what I might have done wrong for next time. Thank you for any help and recommendations. I appreciate it.


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Did you candle them before you put them in lock down? If the refrigerator thing actually works then the half of your eggs that are boys don't hatch, so you should only get a 50% hatch. Putting the eggs in temperatures colder than ideal lessens the chance of hatch. The theory is pullets are hardier embryos than cockerals. Now you have a sampling to see if it worked. If you don't see any pips you could candle to see if any more chicks are still wiggling.
Did you candle them before you put them in lock down? If the refrigerator thing actually works then the half of your eggs that are boys don't hatch, so you should only get a 50% hatch. Putting the eggs in temperatures colder than ideal lessens the chance of hatch. The theory is pullets are hardier embryos than cockerals. Now you have a sampling to see if it worked. If you don't see any pips you could candle to see if any more chicks are still wiggling.
I didn’t candle all of them bc I didn’t want to mess up the temperature. But no more pops, movement or anything yesterday or today so that would be day 25. Guessing the ones that didn’t hatch would’ve been roosters. Thank you for your reply.

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