Day 22 and no peeping/pipping


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 5, 2012
Any advice/words of comfort please?! It's day 22 and I have eggs in an incubator. I can't hear them and there is no sign of pipping :eek:( is there any hope for them do u think? When candled at day 15 a lot of them looked really good. It's my first time hatching!
HI Pennyfeather, I'd give them until day 23. If you've had temperature or humidity fluctuations or issues, it may not work this time. I'm sorry.

I suggest you candle the eggs tonight, and see if there is motion in the air cell, suggestig internal pip has taken place. Don't give up until day 24. I've had them hatch late, but its suggestive that my thermometer was off a degree.

Good Luck, and welcome to BYC!
Hold the eggs against your ear and tap it with your fingernail. If there's a live chick in there, it'll respond by tapping the shell from inside or wiggling around. I've had an entire batch of eggs hatch on day 22-25, under a broody hen. So don't worry, yet.
Thank you all so much for your speedy replies! Much appreciated! I will have a little tap on their shells later and candle them again. I'll have to do this quickly tho won't I as I have been told to not open the incubator after day 18 (I have done to add water tho)
Welcome from Mo.
Im right there with you!
Day 20 did get one chick and since... the other 7 eggs....nothing Are they shipped?Mine ate and all else was literallyi perfect so....shipping or heat in shipping the culprit.
Nothing happening I'm afraid :eek:( we have had eggs from this seller before (local not shipped) and we put them under a broody and they were fine got some lovely chicks. So think it may be a problem with incubator or something we have done.
Well thats very disappoiinting.
Did you have spikes etc? What temps and humidity? did you ever see any growth on candling?If you did all well then maybe the rooster didnt fertilize well,/Sort of unusal not to get anyout of non shipped eggs or 1 baby. Should have gottene3./4 of them hatched from what i read here.Shipped seem to be the only big bloopers. at times.

MIne havent done a thing either .Day 22. The one little guy is a doll though!!HOpe iget a hatch tomorrow out of some other so he has a friend.Hes so lonesome!!Peeps loud if he hears me come in the bedroom(Hes in the bathroom next to it) yours is so cute.What is it?

Candling Mine before lockdown had full grown chicks by the look when i candled.Havent done an egg-ectomy yet wait one more day
Dont get it .this Genesis keeps the temps so so steady and the humidity doesnt vary much either Put water in once a day kept at 45 the whole hatch .Just dont get it.Would think my thermometer is off but ihad 2 incubators put some eggs in each so whatever both went to some should have still been ok.!!Why ithink it has something n to o with shipping.What else? i even used distilled water as mine is well. In case...
Wel lthis one little guy seem perfect as yours does.
Yes very disappointing! 18 eggs! Feel a bit sad really :eek:( all those little wasted lives!! Gutted if it's sOmething I have done wrong. I followed the incubators instructions to the letter ( they said don't add water till day 18) and the temp has been pretty much steady from day one as it is in my living room with no drafts etc. I am no expert and have got all my experience from Internet diagrams and thought that there was pretty definate growth on a lot of them. None of them smell so no rotten ones and they are a good shape and in perfect condition as far as I can tell! Roxannemc, What are spikes?? Hope your one gets a little friend soon x

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