Day 19 Peeping from eggs under broody hen.


May 31, 2019
Hey y'all. I'm wondering if when or if I should remove the eggs from under the broody? At day 19 or 20 will they hatch on their own in the brooder? I have 3 eggs left, the first 2 were crushed and one cannibalized by one of the broody hens (she's been put in chicken jail till these last three eggs hatch.) I'm just concerned about crushing or other problems from new mamma. This is the first time I'm attempting to let them hatch on their own.
I would leave them alone. Don't disturb the hens at all. That's when problems usually arise.
Eggs likely won't hatch in a brooder. There's no way to keep the humidity high enough even if you can get the temperature right.
Well that didn't work. The above egg that was hatching was crushed by the mamma hen. UGH! How do any chicks survive when they are under a hen. I'm confused.

Normally it is close to 100% if they are in a proper nest without a lot of other birds contributing eggs and no humans interfering.
The hen knows more about this innately than humans ever will. There is absolutely no reason to look at the eggs and hassle the hen while she's doing her job.

No reason to be confused. I would never know if a piece of shell was missing or if chicks were peeping because I don't look in the nest unless the mother had come off to take her daily stretch and defecation. I wait till she leaves the nest with chicks and then clean the nest, bedding and put down fresh nest pads.
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