It was super sunny and warm here yesterday and now it's freezing again 😒
It was super sunny here yesterday too! Not super warm though, I think it was only 37, but better than 20!!! But yeah, now it’s cold again here. It should warm up but not quite as warm as yesterday. Only to 33 today. It’s still sunny today though.
It was super sunny here yesterday too! Not super warm though, I think it was only 37, but better than 20!!! But yeah, now it’s cold again here. It should warm up but not quite as warm as yesterday. Only to 33 today. It’s still sunny today though.
Lucky! It's dark and gloomy here 😔
That’s cause you’re in the UK! It’s always rainy and dark there :lau
Yeah fair point.
Sad Season 2 GIF by Friends
We had two really crappy days then it bounced back and it's looking really decent for the next 5 to 7.
Maybe you'll have the same.
We had two really crappy days then it bounced back and it's looking really decent for the next 5 to 7.
Maybe you'll have the same.
We have the opposite. Nice all week but supposed to rain Friday. And then next week is supposed to rain or be cloudy a few days too. I think tomorrow is supposed to be cloudy too but not rain.
It’s weird how 30 or 40 can feel like the coldest thing ever but then 10 or 20 can feel not that cold. I thought it was really cold at first this morning but then I stayed outside for a bit and I was like wow it’s actually pretty warm. So I decided to go for a walk. I think it’s because of the sunshine. So Brew and I had a nice walk.

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