I think I’m allergic to some type of food. My nose has been really stuffy lately. And I know it’s food because, for example, I wasn’t stuffy earlier and just now I ate something and now I’m immediately stuffy. I think maybe it’s dairy??? Or possibly bread or sugar, all can stuff you up according to Google. But I didn’t eat anything sugary with my dinner so I’m leaning towards bread or dairy. I had cheese. Idk. It’s annoying though.
🤯. I could not survive without sugar!
I don’t think so? I get plant based burgers that don’t have any animal derived products and I love them! They taste a lot like the real thing.
That’s awesome!! These ones are trying to replicate meat though and I think I might’ve read they come from plant and animal sources but I might’ve read wrong. But the animal is alive I think, they just take some protein cells from it.

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