Dairy goats!


In the Brooder
Feb 6, 2024
Western Oklahoma
Let's talk Dairy goats! I've been out of the dairy goat world for years and just got back in by buying a Nubian last year and now I have her, a Nigerian Dwarf doe, and a Nigerian Dwarf buck. And expecting babies in about 2-3 months.

I need to relearn a lot. lol. For now I'm going to be milking by hand, but I'd love suggestions on milk machines. I don't need or want anything huge, just something that works well and isn't horribly complicated. Where's the best place to get supplies now? I need to get a new stainless steel milk pan, udder balm, and anything else that I can't seem to remember right this second. lol. I'm so happy to have goats again, after horses they are my favorite animals.
YAY for more goats!
i just finally broke down and bought a milk machine after years... i can no longer hand milk and it wasnt so much fun to even hand milk when the does were drying off. I bought the simple pulse. lowest priced BEST milk machine in my opinion. My nigerians are milk goats, the teats are very important not to have a good machine. I milk in the evening after work and i separate kids at around 3-4 weeks during the day and the does go back with them during the night. It takes a bit to get your girls used to the machine but i get over a gal a day and that is just milking them down so they are not full. A couple kids are leaving in the next few days so we shall see if i need to change too 2x a day for awhile.
I am still figuring out feed. They get alfalfa-orchard hay free choice and i am now using hay maker pellet, its a roughage pellet( alfalfa, rice bran, beet pulp, flax and canola oil) i do not like the purina feed at the store, too much sugar. I havent found anything better yet. i also feed a bit of BOSS and oats along with the sweet lix meat maker mineral, copper bolus 3 x a year and selnium crumble. Plus other things :)
I am just using bag balm right now if the doe is a bit rough or scratches on her mammary after milking. Some people soap/water the teats before milking, othersj ust brush it off. I use Clorox dine-water spray
I fed COB to my dairy goats. That is corn, oats, and barley. You can get it either with or without molasses. It is relatively low protein but that was not an issue for me because I fed very high protein alfalfa. If you do not have a catalog from Caprine Supply get one. It is chock full of good information. Go to caprinesupply.com.
I believe Hoegger had a complete line of dairy goat supplies.

We only bought generalized goat equipment from them. Then best thing I ever bought from them was a goat catch-hook. Until I fracture my shoulder, we ran a herd of 200+ Spanish/Savanna Meat Goats and the catch-hook was wonderful. 🐐

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