CSU's Welsummer SOP

Yes, there is not as much known about egg color as about some other traits. One of my friends asked me about the idea of losing color by crossing two lines, even if both lines were laying dark. I don't have personal experience with it (yet) but my thinking is that there are so many different genes involved that maybe line A uses ones set of genes to achieve it's color but line B has some different genes for it's color. Then when you cross them a lot of the birds don't get enough of the right genes to make dark eggs. But by breeding them back to the parents the next generation picks up more of the genes and the color starts to come back. Does this make sense?
I received this young cockerel from another BYCer. He is probably about average as far as other Wellies I've seen, but I took him because my old cock bird is like 6 and has been taking forever to grow his tail in from molting and currently doesn't seem to be too interested in the girl penned with him, so I'm not holding my breath to get chicks out of him.

So I figured at least a young bird to have something to work with is better than nothing.

The white spots you see here on his wing and tail are poop. I have NO other birds his age so he's been in a crate inside another pen and the other birds in there have decided that the best place in the world to roost is of course, the top of the crate. The biggest thing I can see about him at this stage is a wiggle at the front of his comb which I'm hoping won't get too bad and he does have a little white fluff in the front of his tail. However, NO actual white feathers in wing or tail. He's alittle off balance in this pic, standing on top of the crate.
I think he's about 4 months old; I'll have to check tho because I have forgotten when they said he was hatched.

The following are all the only chick I had hatch from shipped eggs. At hatch I figured male due to the absence of eyeliner and a smudgy V; the strong comb growth supports that assumption but I'm not sure what to make of that red breast! Hatched 10/25 so 8 weeks

I am a little worried about his comb tho, it's a little funky looking at the back, hoping that straightens out!

Will his chest turn black later?

from the side, his broody mamma behind him; she is not a Wellie ;-)

Another side shot showing his wings

comments and critique welcome
The chick looks like a welsummer cross, his coloring is all wrong to be pure. And the comb looks like it has a side sprig.

Sigh. That is the way my breeding career has been going. $48 for shipped eggs; 14 eggs, 1 chick. I think I am going to give up on the Wellies and concentrate on my Buff Rocks and BCM!
Don't give up....Hang in there If I want so far away I would give you some eggs..

Love this thread, sooo much to learn...
Is the green eye thing real bad in the states?

My Welsummers all have nice orange/red eyes and lay real dark eggs, When the weather warms up a bit I will post some pics so I can see what my issues are. I will look to see if I can find some younger pics as well

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