Crooked neck and wobbly, can’t fan feathers - Tom


Oct 31, 2022
Hello - my male turkey was doing fine yesterday when I left for errands and he was walking around with his female turkey companion. When I got back she was aggressively pecking at his head and his neck was in a wonky position. He was and still is wobbly and can’t seem to stand and walk, keeping him located in this one part of the yard. He hasn’t been able to fan out his feathers at all. There’s no blood and even after she was pecking at him, there was no blood anywhere. One of the neighbors told me they attack someone they see as sick, which could the case since i don’t think she’s the reason for his possible illness or injury. She’s since stopped and stays close to him even in his state now.

They tend to keep to themselves and don’t let me get to near. So, if I approach him, he gets startled and fumbles around right now. So, I’ve been trying to not go too close. He is still eating voraciously, so I set out his food with cayenne in it. I’ve also done some extra vitamin water.

I just went to tractor supply and got B-12 and then some aspirin at the grocery store. I can’t really get antibiotics unfortunately. Nor do I feel comfortable sticking a needle in him (especially since he already tries to run away).

Since he’s still eating and drinking, I feel like it must be an injury? He was perfectly fine yesterday. The female turkey and the roosters that walk with them are all perfectly fine and unaffected. They get blue label all flock pellets currently, so I’d be surprised if it was a diet issue. They all drink the same water, too. So, I’d be surprised if it was bacteria related.

Any additional advice is greatly appreciated!
Much better, actually! I gave him an aspirin a day for Sunday and Monday and then kept putting water near him with poultry booster and liquid B-12 vitamin (like kind of a lot). I also put cayenne pepper in his food and as long as he wasn't moving he was definitely eating and drinking. Monday morning he was moving some, but still staying close to the spot. And today he's moving around like normal. He wasn't able to even attempt to puff up on Sunday and now he's at 75% puff when I get too close. I am not sure what - if any of these things - worked. But, I'm glad he's moving and grazing again!

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