Crippled Legs on New Pekin Ducks


10 Years
Apr 20, 2010
I ordered some ducks online and received them at the end of March. I got 3 Pekin ducklings and 2 Roan ducklings. They came overnight from the hatchery and had wire bands on their legs for gender labelling. I have been feeding them Dumor Chick Starter feed, and now the Pekin ducks only can barely walk and their legs are losing their functionality initially bowing in and now too weak so their are hobbling around on their knees. While I wait for an answer back from the hatchery, it there any kind of vitamins/feed I can give them to save their legs? They are eating and drinking well and love to swim, but just appear to be getting worse every day.
I did take the bands off as soon as I received the ducks, but for all the overnight traveling they did from OH to GA, they were just in a cardboard box with holes in it with a little bit of hay. The bands were on pretty tight and they were colored wire, so it took me a little while to get them off. I did get an answer back from the hatchery and they felt it was some type of niacin deficiency since that is involved in the leg development from my pictures and video I sent them and they are in the process of sending me some new ones. I am not a person to give up so easily, so I got some liquid niacin and am putting on my duck doctor hat and am going to try and save them.
Similar issue: 8 mutt ducks, 2 definitely part Pekin. One is so much bigger than her egg mates, started having leg problems at 3 wks. Even though she was fine 24 hrs later, I added Nutridrench to their water. Now at 5 wks, she is weak again, found her on her back 3 times. I have niacin capsules & brewers yeast on order. The other ducks are fine. I think she just grew too big too fast. Hoping her body catches up to her weight soon. In the meantime: niacin, vitamins, peas, mealworms.
I did take the bands off as soon as I received the ducks, but for all the overnight traveling they did from OH to GA, they were just in a cardboard box with holes in it with a little bit of hay. The bands were on pretty tight and they were colored wire, so it took me a little while to get them off. I did get an answer back from the hatchery and they felt it was some type of niacin deficiency since that is involved in the leg development from my pictures and video I sent them and they are in the process of sending me some new ones. I am not a person to give up so easily, so I got some liquid niacin and am putting on my duck doctor hat and am going to try and save them.
I know this is from several years back but I'm going to take a chance and see if you see this, just wondering how it turned out for your first three Pekin babies?? I have three and they are 4 weeks old, one of them is having trouble with her legs so I'm going to try the niacin.
It is likely that your little ones are growing too fast for their legs to support them. It can be common in some of the heavier breeds that are for meat production. Lowering the protein % in the feed may help the problem.
I'm going through the same thing.

If you can do an intramuscular (IM) injection, go to your local feed store and get a bottle of injectable B complex liquid vitamins. Inject 1/2 cc into the breast muscle, and repeat after 2-3 days.

If you can't, go to your local drugstore, and pick up a bottle of PolyViSol infant vitamins (WITHOUT Iron), a bottle of Vitamin E liquid capsules, and a bottle of Niacin capsules. Give 1/2 dropper of PolyViSol morning and night, squeeze one Vitamin E capsule down the duck's bill morning and night, and cut open and sprinkle one niacin caplet in their water once a day.

It's some kind of vitamin deficiency, most likely one of the B complex vitamins (probably niacin). Give the Vitamin E as well, though, because if they're deficient in B they're likely deficient in E, and you could start seeing neurological problems as well.

I am seriously frustrated, because I am on the third brand of starter feed I've tried, and have been having vitamin deficiency issues with all three. It's ridiculous that there isn't a starter feed with enough vitamins to get ducklings brooded from hatch to outside.
Yes, I can try that suggestion. I sent some pictures and a video back to the hatchery, but they were acting like it was something I was doing until I told them that the other ducks I got were fine. I probably don't want to know their procedures on how the hatch the ducks and ship them out. I added a picture, but I am not sure if you can see it.
I had the same problem with my ducklings. They started out fine and two of their leggs just started going down hill, while the others were fine. I added vitamins (niacin) and reduced protein and they are improving. One is walking normally and the other is starting to stand and take a step or two. I would definitly try the vitamins!
I know this isnt a duck but.. I had a bronze turkey that was getting crippled at only 3 months old because of rapid weight gain. I loved my pekins but never had a problem with them gaining weight too fast. hope you get your babies all fixed up!!

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