Crested Ducks and Other Duck Questions

Quacking Pigeon

Mar 12, 2018
NSW, Australia
My Coop
My Coop
I was considering purchasing a few crested ducks to use in a breeding project. They only have small crests. I was wondering what I could do regarding breeding, since the gene causes issues for them? I was considering breeding them to an orpington Drake, Cayuga, mallard or call.

Also, what other issues do they have?

Edit: I’m not getting any don’t worry. They have too many bad health conditions.
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I would advise against ever breeding two cresteds together, since it is a lethal gene and any duckling that inherits two copies will die in the shell shortly before hatching.

In addition to this issue, crested ducks are far more prone to neurological issues than a regular duck. This is because the crest causes a deposit of fat in the brain cavity, and is fed by veins that pass directly through holes in the skull to the brain. Some crested ducks have seizures. Others have trouble walking and balancing. Some can't really walk at all.

This also makes breeding dangerous for any female crested duck. Because the crest is directly connected to the brain, and drakes tend to hold onto the head of the females they are breeding, the crest can get yanked on during mating, which has the potential to cause brain damage.
I hatched a batch of ducklings from a friends white crested hen and my Khaki-Appleyard drake last fall. Not one baby had a crest and they were very healthy.
Not that your asking for seggestions but ide like to see a white duck with a black bib

You'd have to get really lucky to get that in a mallard derived breed - either you'd have to manage to get a white with very specific leakage in the bib area (and leakage is considered a bad thing in white ducks so those with leakage are usually not bred) or you'd have to try to breed for a pied duck that's all white aside from in the chest. I'm not sure you could even breed for such a pattern, the way the gene expresses itself. You'd probably have to just breed a lot of Ancona-colored ducks and hope to eventually get lucky.

Right now, with the color genes that exist, it might be pretty close to impossible to achieve this, sadly :(
You'd have to get really lucky to get that in a mallard derived breed - either you'd have to manage to get a white with very specific leakage in the bib area (and leakage is considered a bad thing in white ducks so those with leakage are usually not bred) or you'd have to try to breed for a pied duck that's all white aside from in the chest. I'm not sure you could even breed for such a pattern, the way the gene expresses itself. You'd probably have to just breed a lot of Ancona-colored ducks and hope to eventually get lucky.

Right now, with the color genes that exist, it might be pretty close to impossible to achieve this, sadly :(
Unrelated but do you think it would be possible to breed a bantam Muscovy around the size of a mallard?

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