Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

Hello, just found this thread serendipitously. I’ve given up on Cream Legbar as a breed and have joined my CL hens to a handsome, tailed, clean-faced Araucana Roo. The Roo is very mellow and doting. The hens are all laid back types (except for the boss hen who is very jealous of her Roo) This is a project that is on hold currently. I’m not hatching eggs right now and none have gone broody yet.
Looking to keep the prolific egg-laying of the CL, with the blue egg color of both breeds in a healthy, “well-adjusted to domestic life” foraging “heritage” line (for personal enjoyment mainly).I call them my “Peace” line.


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Well my first order of Legbar chicks came dead (Sport whites). The hatchery is going to reship. The second order of chicks (Legbar X) from a different hatchery came alive and well. The other Legbars and legbar xs from a third hatchery are scheduled for August.
That only works if the father has two crested genes. Not all Cream Legbar roosters have two crested genes.
Keep posting photos as they feather in. That might give us the earliest clue. It will at least be a nice demonstration of their development.

Update! Here they are at four weeks. One is clearly developing a comb and is bigger than the other. Just not sure yet if the other one is just not developing as early, or is possibly a hen. The smaller one has a lot more color on it as well. And the smaller comb/body is the chick born with a larger, more defined head spot. Thanks for any input!
Barba and Bigote, my 7 week old pullets, had their first partial day outside in the little coop. They went out once before and were terrified, so I was sure they wouldn't like it.

Once they found little twigs and things to play with, they were fine. They figured out roosting pretty quickly. Their moms are pure legbar and the dad is either a legbar or a wheaten Marans. I think the one with the yellow legs might be pure legbar. The legbar rooster had yellow legs.

My 16 week old Legbar hybrids. Their mom is a Speckled Sussex and the dad is a Crested Cream Legbar. They were raised by a broody, so they aren't as calm as the others - makes it a bit hard to photograph them. I had to corner them in a stall. Meet Stella and Estel.
They are beautiful! May I ask - when you say they are more skittish because they were raised by a broody, do you mean vs hatching them yourself?
Hi all, I've been trying to absorb all the sex link genetics info & my head is spinning LOL.
I have a hen that appears to be CCL but lays a pinkish gold egg. Consensus is she's a CCL x Welsummer. I have one chick from her, 5.5 wks old. Thought it was a pullet but now looks to have barring? The Roo would be most likely my EE or Black Australorp. But my young SLW is a slight possibility.
I have heard the barring of a CCL hen means the barred chick is male. Is this true if the hen is a cross? Pics below for reference.
Chick at hatch (on right) & 5.5wks
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Dad candidates:
Screenshot_20211029-123103~2.png Screenshot_20211029-120236~2.png Screenshot_20211029-120958~2.png

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