Crazy easy way to make hard boiled eggs

14 minutes are the yolks discolored? Thats a long time to be boiling. Mine only go in for 6-10 at most.
I don't do the salt. I myself use hot tap water. Bring to boil. Boil for 14-15 minutes. Put into bowl with cold water running over them for a few minutes, then peel. My yolks aren't discolored at all.
I can only pray this works.

Anything involing hardboiled eggs is my favorite.

Egg salad sandwiches are better than candy for me (Not so enjoyable for the people around me)
I am trying a new method today!! Baked hard eggs. Saw it on TV breakfast show and thought, what the heck, worth a try. Bake at 325 for 30mins. The. Place them I am ice bath for 10 mins. Perfect hard baked egg, perfect yellow colour. Now the real test, will I be able to peel them? Wish me luck!!
Well...I have tried several different ways to boil eggs to have them peel nicely. I ultimately think it has to do with the age of the egg. Right now I boil my eggs for 10 minutes, then let them sit in the pot until I can get to them again, sometimes all day long. If they are at least a week old they peel beautifully. I never put them in cold water, use salt, lemon juice or anything. So...I think the older the egg is, any hard boiling method will work.
I have found that if you peel the eggs hot, the peel comes of pretty easily. I dump off the boiling water and add cold then peel fast. But if they start to get too cool, the shell starts to stick again. Run hot water over them, it will cause the membrane to stick to the shell again instead of the egg. I boiled and peeled some that were very fresh and it worked!
Cn't wait to try that. My brown eggs never peel well, but my green eggs peel like a dream. Anyone else have that experience?
No, now you let him boil all the eggs in the house since he is obviously quite talented at it!!! I am going through the horrors of eggs that won't peel. Seriously tried every trick out there and it just isn't happening yet...…...I do the hot to ice water bath shock, nope. Beginning to think that 14 minutes and even 20 minutes at a hard boil isn't enough and I'm dealing with eggs that aren't quite finished boiling. It's the only thing I can think of for such weird egg whites....they just will not come off the shells cleanly....

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