Crank out Shed Windows - anyone use them? I was just going to use hardware cloth and old hinged win


15 Years
We're in the process of building our 8 x 12' double coop, and I've been looking at plans/designs and was planning on just using hardware cloth with maybe hinged at the top old windows or ventilation areas that opened up with hardware cloth, but the mosquitos tonight were horrible! I'm thinking that I may just get some crank out shed windows, and then put hardware cloth over them, but I'm thinking the handle will get in the way of the hardware cloth.

Any other suggestions? Will these work with hardware cloth?


Those windows should work great! Yes you can hardware cloth them on the inside, just loosen or remove the screw that holds the crank in place then cut a hole in the hardware cloth to fit over the crank post, fasten down securely and replace the crank and tighten/ replace the crank screw. Thanks for posting that site, I'll be buying from them in the near future myself. That type of window is a lot harder for predators to climb in through than a standard window type.

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