COVID 19 History for Posterity!


Free Ranging
Jan 27, 2020
Please post the things you've seen so we can have a record.

1. Teenagers social distancing by sitting on their cars at a park to talk
2. Russle Stover Easter bunnies with face masks
3. World's first bbq vending machine
5. Churches closed... it makes me so sad.
6. Lines at the supermarket and people controlling how many people are inside at a time.
7 (this one is a joke). Bordeom has resulted in me attempting to boobincubate one of Marshmallow's eggs.
8. People doing yardwork in face masks
9. This meme where someone put toilet paper rolls on the closed toilet that looked like eyes and an empty paper towel roll under the seat sticking out that looked like a cigarette and told her boyfriend, "Come quick, the toilet's smoking!"

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