Could these be Sapphire splash?


Jul 11, 2020
I am where I am
I posted this hen & roo before and seemed like the consensus was that they’re mutts but I saw some pictures on the sapphire splash thread that made me wonder if that’s what I’ve got. Particularly @babs15’s rooster. Any thoughts from peeps familiar with them. Thoughts/ Pictures for comparison appreciates.
I think you may be right, sapphire gem splash is a fairly new hybrid from Hoover Hatchery.
They are originally form the Czech Republic. Where did you get them? TSC sources from Hoover.:)
Sapphire Splash -HH Site.jpg
The hen could be an Austra white.
[/QUOTE I looked up Austra whites do look similar! But I read they’re white egg layers and this girl lays pretty dark brown.

I think you may be right, sapphire gem splash is a fairly new hybrid from Hoover Hatchery.
They are originally form the Czech Republic. Where did you get them? TSC sources from Hoover.:)
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These two wandered into my yard as strays! But tractor supply is the main place people get chicks around here so I thought that might point to a match as well. Since it’s a pretty new hybrid it seems likely they would have had them in the store.
The hen has dark legs, and that's why I think she's an Austra white. But she could be something else, too. It's really difficult to determine what is what with all the different hatchery hybrid layer types out there. These birds could also just be barnyard mixes. Tough to tell. But they are both attractive and healthy whatever they may be.
I know right, who can keep up with all the named hybrids? At any rate yes, they’re good healthy birds and I’m happy to have them. The hen is skittish to people but an excellent layer. The roo is extremely well mannered and I love his gloriously large wattles!

The sapphire splash Have yellow legs in the hatchery pictures, but some of the hens posted in @coorain’s thread look to have dark ones. If the splash line are anything like the gem line then there’ll likely be a good deal of variation in looks.

Edit to add correction. The dark legged hen was @molly mojo’s in this thread:

The roo who got me on this train of thought was in the first one:)
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From what I’ve seen, they certainly could be sapphire splashes. Most of mine have yellow legs, but I have one that has mottled yellow/dark legs- I could try to get a pic of her legs if you like (of course she’s my most skittish bird). I wouldn’t be surprised if one had completely dark legs, since there seems to be considerable variation in the “breed.”
I’d love to see pictures of your girls legs if she’ll cooperate. iThis hen is pretty skittish too. She has dark legs but there is some yellow mixed in.

My sapphire gems have very dark legs but then bright yellow feet.
OK, it looks like this is the most cooperation we're getting for now. This is pretty acurate to how she looks to my eyes. It is almost like the "splashes" from the feathers are continuing on the skin. (I am pretty new to chicken keeping so not quite sure how coloring actually works)

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