Cotton trailer chicken coop ***** UPDATE*****


14 Years
Mar 13, 2010
Levelland, Texas
I am going to try to build a chicken coop out of cotton trailer panels, and was wanting suggestions tips and thoughts from more experienced poultry experts about this. It will be going on land that has no electricty or water but water is no problem because I already hall it to my trees. I am going to get a solar eletric fence and bury tin around the bottom a couple of feet deep. I am going to put wire on the top to keep the hawks out, I hope!
for your help!
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Here are pictures of mine that my mom and I did last summer. I built a coop on one end by framing it up and covering with tin on top and 2 sides. I used my dad's old truck tarp to cover the end of the coop section so I could roll it up in the summer and the girls could get a breeze. The floor is lined with old landscape timbers about 3/4 the length of the trailer. On the tongue end I built a sandbox for them. The end of the top that doesn't have tin is covered with horse panels because the squares are smaller than cattle panels.

I paid $325 for the trailer and probably spent another $200 on tin and the horse panels. I already had the landscape timbers, boards, and nesting boxes.

I love mine and get tons of compliments. i presently have 9 hens and 15 - 5 week old pullets in mine.

I have added a roost and some tarps for the winter weather. I also added a couple of perches on the sandbox end which they love. I'll take some newer ones later if you want me to.

Here are some pictures taken in July when I built it:







Nesting Boxes


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Thanks for all the useful info!
This has been helpful. I got mine for free a farmer that i go to church with, he wanted the trailer, but said I could have the sides if I wanted them. So I am going to weld them together and weld me a door inside the frame. I plan on making two pens. I am planning on ordering 50 or so chicks from Ideal after all the breeds I want become availiable. I think they will be happy in their home.
Oh, man! Am I pea-green jealous.
There was a much smaller cotton trailer for sale in our neighborhood and I knew it would make a great coop, but we never stopped to ask the price because we had so many other financial needs at the time.

But I would use the whole trailer as a portable coop. Why do you only want to use the sides? Or is he keeping the other part of the trailer for a flat-bed trailer?

I think they would be perfect myself. I had planned to cover the top as well. Let us see pics when you're done.

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Great idea. I'm in Abilene and grew up in Roscoe. Lots of cotton trailers around. I'll have to file that away for a future portable free range coop....
Well I am finally making some progress on my coops, so I thought I would update this thread with some of my pics!
My Rooster(That was sold to me as a hen!
) that is kept illegally in town, decided he wanted to start crowing today, so I have been out at the farm all day getting this ready. My Dad is coming over tomorrow to help me put the electric fence up. So my rooster had to spend all day in a cage in a storage building ( with pelnty of food, water and fresh air) , and he was not happy! But I think he will like his new home!

I am also expecting 27 chicks to be here next week, so I guess it is about time I got it finished.
What do yall think so far!




I'll try to post finished pics tomorrow, if I get it done!

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