Coop ventilation in winter


5 Years
Jan 12, 2015
I am new to the chicken game and just built a coop about 5x3x5 (L x W x H) I have installed 4 4"x12" vents in the sofet of the roof and I'm sure it's not air you guys think that is sufficient for 4-5 hens?
Depending on where you live you may or may not have enough ventilation. Air flow is important to keep the moisture down. Moisture and heat are generally not good friends with chickens. They can take all sorts of cold ... if the air is dry enough.

I can't see more than four hens in your coop. That assumes they'll have more space in their run.

Where are you geographically? Coldest / hottest temps in your area? Wet / rainy issues to deal with?

Most of all, welcome to Chickenland! We're glad you're here!
I live in Kansas city, typically 30s in the winter with dips lower, the summer can be in the 90s with high humidity. I have the summer plan down, a removable window 2x3.5 and the door being open to the run. the run is 6x20
Ok am I calculating sq ft wrong...I have 15 sq ft of floor space and it is also 5 ft tall so at 3sq ft per bird I should be able to house 4 right?
Ok am I calculating sq ft wrong...I have 15 sq ft of floor space and it is also 5 ft tall so at 3sq ft per bird I should be able to house 4 right?
You are calculating square footage of floor space, not ventilation.
I have installed 4 4"x12" vents in the sofet of the roof and I'm sure it's not air you guys think that is sufficient for 4-5 hens?
4"x12" = 48 x 4 = 192 square inches for ventilation.

1 square foot = 144 square inches

192 / 144 = 1.33 square feet of ventilation

Start with this link on ventilation.

Hope this helps
Ok thanks everyone, I'm adding more ventilation as we speak, I was hoping I did my homework for the size of the coop for my chickens but I forgot about the ventilation sq ftage req.

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