Coop too small, yep…. And it’s cold outside!


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2024
Well yall, posted some pics to the FB to update my friends and family about the girls. Had them in a newly acquired coop and run that we got from a friend. This new addition is for about 3-4 grown birds but I had the 6- 6 week olds out in it to enjoy some sun and fun, and to slowly get them accustomed to living outside. Well the first dozen comments, from folks that already knew what our setup plans are, told us that the coop was too small and we’d need to replace it soon. LOL! The ladies were loving it btw. We tried to put some ankle bracelets (which my son claims they were on house arrest) but they were too big and slipped off. Maybe we will try again later. Sunday early afternoon, the temps started dropping and we had to make an executive decision to bring them back into the Brooder box. I was hoping that we’d be able to transition straight from the small coop/run to the bigger coop and run, but the weather decided we needed to drop back into the 40’s. The girls didn’t seem to mind it, but since they don’t completely have all their feathers, we did t want to risk it. They are close, but need another week or two….or three. They will get some play time outside but we will keep them inside a little longer.

Just some ramblings from the lower .40. Lol. I can’t help but think what my dad would say about chickens in the house! 🤣

I brood all my poultry -- chicks, ducklings, goslings -- in the house because it's easier to care for them brooding them in the garage.

However, my farm-boy dad would be rolling in his grave if he knew that I've had a "house chicken" for the past few years. It was unplanned and is not something I'd ever do again.

I think you made a good decision to keep the girls indoors for a while longer. Spring weather can be so volatile, and they should be fully feathered before they make a permanent move.

Best wishes with the transition, whenever it happens!

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