Coop+Run Capacity


5 Years
Mar 12, 2016
East Tennessee
I have a run that is about 1,370 square feet and a coop that is 99 square feet. How many chickens could this comfortably fit? I don't want to overcrowd anything.
Currently I have 2 rabbits, 6 ducks, and 11 standard size hens. Tomorrow, I'll be getting a silkie bantam. Could this pen setup fit 4-5 future hens? I'd like to get some chicks soon, and I'd be willing to sell some of my dual-purpose hens if space would be an issue.
Man that's a lot of space you could put 50-100 chickens in there depending on breed. 5-10sq ft a bird for run 1-2 for coop. With that space I could have some fun and i have 34 birds
You're definitely fine to add five more. I would not worry about space so much as I would worry about integration.

General rule is four square feet per bird/coop, ten square feet per bird/run. The coop rule can be stretched a bit if you live in a warm area and they're in the run most of the time. If you have a mixed-age/breed flock, best to err on the safe side. If you have production birds, best to err on the safe side. If you live in an area where snowfall is measured in feet, definitely err on the safe side because they will all be crammed in there over the winter.

Do your ducks get along with your chickens? My ducks and boss hens fight when they're eating together, so that's a consideration when I'm planning my space requirements and setup.

I live in a snowy area and have a mixed breed laying flock of twenty-four in a coop that's slightly less than ninety sq. feet. It's working, but I definitely will not pass that number. I plan on culling five of the older girls before winter begins.

I would not do one square foot per chicken in the coop under any conditions but chick brooding. It would be completely unsanitary in my setup, and I cannot imagine a setup in which it would not be a breeding ground for disease, parasites, and cannibalism.
I have a run that is about 1,370 square feet and a coop that is 99 square feet. How many chickens could this comfortably fit? I don't want to overcrowd anything.
Currently I have 2 rabbits, 6 ducks, and 11 standard size hens. Tomorrow, I'll be getting a silkie bantam. Could this pen setup fit 4-5 future hens? I'd like to get some chicks soon, and I'd be willing to sell some of my dual-purpose hens if space would be an issue.
You could DEFINATLEY get a TON of more birds in that space! go crazy!!!! [but not TOO crazy {lol} ;) ]

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