Coop potpourri?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 16, 2013
At our new local store they had some herb/flower mixture you could put in your coop to make is smell really good. The owner says she used 1/4 cup and it really last for a long time. But it came in a pretty small bag and was $$.

Has anyone tried something like that? Or made their own? Have a cheap source for herbs?

Our coop isn't horrible or anything but nice would be....well nicer :)
I grow some of my own herbs from seed and dry those and toss them in. I would not use basil again, but rosemary, oregano, thyme, mint, and sage are all nicely aromatic, so if I have extra I throw them in the coops. The chickens nibble at some of them. I would say that I don't notice a distinct difference in smell--after the first day, the smell tends to dissipate. Large quantities of pine needles and pine bedding has helped more with smells than with herbs. Just my advice
I have an extensive herb and flower garden so making my own coop-pourie is fairly cheep for me.
I scatter 1/2 a cup of it in the coop one ever other week or so; I have a small flock of only 4 birds so if you have more then I would say at least 1 cup.
I use a mix of the following:

4 cups of fine pine shavings
2 cups of crushed pine spills
2 cups of cedar shavings
1 cup dried lavender flowers
1 cup dried mint
1/4 cup dried thyme
1/4 cup dried chamomile flowers
1 cup comfrey
1 cup dried and finely minced orange peels or lemon peels.
1/4 cup DE diatomaceous earth (food grade only!)
1/4 cup epsom salt

Mix all of the ingredients together in a storage tub with a lid on it. This will last you about a year and it not only smells amazing but the DE and Epsom salt keep your birds pest free!
We have a nice herb garden. -regularly clip mint and lavender, tie them with some twine and ribbon, and hang them on hooks inside the coop (8 x 12 shed). -have also used rosemary. The coop stays fragrant and odor-free!

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