Coop for Silkies


7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
I am looking to expand our chickens to include silkies. I have been reading as much as possible, and have reviewed the previous threads on silkie coops.

I have a few questions!

1. I plan to purchase 6-8 chicks. What would be the minimum size coop you would want, knowing that I may end up with a few more (chicken math!)

2. How big of a run area would you recommend?

3. I saw a previous thread that showed a dog house converted into a silkie coop. Pros/ Cons? Of course it would require modifications! For example:|1&facetInfo=

4. Any special considerations for a silkie coop?

We have an existing coop (tractor we call the chicken tank) for our current flock. It required a lot of work to build, and the cost was more than I would care to admit. Looking for an economical solution and one that will not require months of building!

Thank you so much for your help!
I just got my 4 silkie hens about 5 weeks ago from a friend. She says they would not go up a ramp for her at her house. They do in their new coop. Took a couple days to train them to go up to "pile up" at night. I did find that they slipped on the ramp when going up and down so I put rubber shelf liner on it and they have an easier time going up and down. (last photo)

Also got 3 pullets from her on 1-1-13. Getting ready to integrate them all.

The silkie coop is almost 5' long and 2.5' wide. Plenty room when all 7 get together. (or more) Their run is 6' x 5'.

The chicken run ended where you see the little brown coop. Added the silkie coop and just needed two "walls" of hardwire.
(People door side and left bottom)

@ Mama Hen Chris - Can I have your Buff pullet?

I have 3 silkies of my own. They each have their own pen, about 3' by 3' each. My little Princess has a 5' by 2.5' pen to herself (for now).
@ Mama Hen Chris - Can I have your Buff pullet?

I have 3 silkies of my own. They each have their own pen, about 3' by 3' each. My little Princess has a 5' by 2.5' pen to herself (for now).
Their own! :) Would love to see pics of your girls.

She is a beauty for sure! When she was a young chick, at the breeders house, a coyote got into the brooder and toppled it over and she has a crushed foot and the cross beak. The breeder didn't notice her issues as she had about 70 chicks. I think her "jaw" probably snapped out of place and fused this way. One of her toes is bent under the foot. Kinda of like when you move your thumb under your fingers. A friend of mine got her and the partridge (and many more) and never noticed anything until she got home. I trimmed her beak with dog clippers just a little. She gets around fine and has not trouble eating or drinking.

Silkies do not need as much room as a "regular" chicken.

At night, mine all dog pile in one corner of the coop. Their area inside the main coop, which is sectioned off by chicken wire, is probably only 2’ x 3’ and only about 4’ tall.

I put in a few short (and I mean short, only about 3-5” off the ground) roosts for them but they do not get used much. The Roosters will sometimes sit up there for a spell…but when nap time comes they all pile into the corner.

The run is probably 20’ x 20’…they all hang out in the far north/west corner to sun themselves. I put their water at the far opposite end to make them wander more.

In this pen I have 7 silkies and 3 bantam hens (I did put boxes up high for the bantams and they do hop up there)

I do have to admit that my 5 standard size hens fly over to the silkie pen to hang for part of the day…it is their reprieve from the Roo. And yes, I’ve had to reach in through the pop door to pull the standard size hens out to put them on “their own side” at night.
Here are some pics of my Silkie Coop.....Mine do use the ramp but they do not use the roosting bars and they have been removed now as all they do is pile up on each other at night. I do let them free-range all day and have put a heated waterer in the run for them. They are a very docile chicken, even the roosters, although one of our does chase the grand-daughters occasionally and pecks at their feet....No harm though....I have 7 misc egg-layer breeds including NN and RIR's as well as 4 Seramas that run around in the same free-range area and they all have no problems and go to their respective coops at night. I agree with some others that they do not require as much room as normal breed chickens but the more room the better. They should start laying within a month or 2 and hopefully they will use the nest boxes although my Seramas just lay on the sand in their coop.(last pic)


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